[center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/344551056c1749f07907bd2d0d22990d/tumblr_neq2104BGj1rtrxuao1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [Center][hider=Maeve Lockhart][center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36000000/Allison-for-Inquirer-Lifestyle-allison-harvard-36089224-1310-1965.jpg[/img] [B][U]NAME:[/U][/B] Maeve Lockhart [B][U]AGE:[/U][/B] 25 [B][U]HERITAGE:[/U][/B] Pureblood [B][U]HOUSE:[/U][/B] [img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/155/8/4/hufflepuff_crest_by_chromomaniac-d7l0e4k.png[/img] [B][U]PERSONALITY:[/U][/B] Maeve is an extremely quirky woman with a serene disposition and many eccentric beliefs and qualities. Often described as a child in an adults body, she is a complete nonconformist; she lacks a barrier between her brain and mouth, as a result, is not afraid to speak her mind and show who she truly is. Often times she will do random odd things such as talk to herself or turn away during the middle of a conversation. Despite having the attention span of a rabid squirrel, Maeve is also intelligent and unusually perceptive of others feelings and thoughts. Her demeanor and voice are often distant and dreamy, and she will drift away from a conversation she does not find interesting. She has an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable by being bluntly honest, or rather embarrassingly honest. She is completely unflappable and rarely seems anxious or under stress, even under difficult circumstances. Maeve is very good at comforting others and is usually quite a joy to be around. She has extremely well-developed senses, and an aesthetic appreciation for beauty. She's not interested in leading or controlling others. She is flexible and open-minded about other people lives, traditions, stories, etc.. She is also original and very creative and enjoys living in the present moment. [B][U]HISTORY:[/U][/B] WIP [B][U]FAMILAR:[/U][/B] Valor - Male Cat [img]http://d11kavc4axrfgm.cloudfront.net/pet_care/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/458831153_Olezzo_iStock_Thinkstock2.jpg[/img] [B][U]WAND:[/U][/B] 12 inch [url=http://pottermore.wikia.com/wiki/Cedar]Cedar Wood Wand[/url] with a Pheonix Feather core. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-F8O0UYfyyE8/Tvo2mCUk_GI/AAAAAAAAA6g/Gl71UvDvBAQ/s1600/Wand.jpg[/img] [B][U]PATRONUS:[/U][/B] DOVE - Those with this patronus are good-hearted, and expressors. They are great at expression, and what they feel and the aura they give off can be pushed onto others, causing those around the dove to feel more calm merely from their presence. They are optimistic people with a strong ambition in life, fluttering from place to place trying to give off energy to others and help out in anyway they can. Their life is their mission, and they have two many goals, to make a difference, and to be loved. [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/harrypotterfancontinuation/images/a/ae/Dove_Patronus.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110227050421[/img] [B][U]SPECIAL STUFF[/U][/B] TBD[/Center] [/hider][/center]