[quote=@Darcs] No problems! Well, except that Shiva is a garbage level husbando deity, Saraswati is best god-fu. EDIT: I kid, I kid-- Also; You don't HAVE to do what she says, I'm just establishing that she has a tendency to boss people around in situations like this. Also, was that the type of battle format you were looking for, Tome? [/quote] Using my vastly inferior phone to reply to this, so I hope it goes through There is no format to follow, you're to treat everything as you would in a normal RP. Act as you see fit, move to where you want to, kill what you want. I'm the world at large, spinning you towards the story's conclusion. Other than what I specifically state has happened in my posts, you guys have full authority to do anything. Just be sure your character doesn't offer me an oppurtunity to destroy them, really.