Cassy felt a pit in her stomach grow as May led them inside the house. She sat down next to Anais and rested her chin on her hand. "You girls need anything?" May asked excitedly. "Uh-" "We'd love to have some of that tea you mentioned earlier Ma'am!" Anais chimed in before Cassy could finish. "Oh of course!" May beamed, "I'll just have Micaheal bring some-" May frowned at looked around, "Oh dear, I think he's still asleep. Don't move, I'll get him." May disappeared upstairs leaving Cassy and Anais to themselves. Cassy gave up on trying to leave since it would be rude beyond measure if she left in the middle of being invited into someones home. She was actually more worried about having to drink tea, she never liked it much. "May mentioned she had a nephew about our age," Anais mused. "So?" "Sooooo," Anais gave a playful smile, "this may yet be the handsome prince that will...tame the shrew." "Excuse me?!" Cassy hissed back. "Well it's a well known fact that you certainly haven't made any effort in finding mister right." Cassy rolled her eyes, "Yeah, high school is the place to find a stable relationship." "You never know," Anais teased, "what if he's cute, hm?" "I saw him already." Cassy casually dropped. "Really?! Well, what was he like?" "Oh he's ok," Cassy gave an evil grin, "except he's a massive pervert." "HE IS NOT!" Anais folded her arms and turned away not even wanting to look at her sister. "It's true," Cassy giggled, "he totally was watching me change last night." "Stop lying Cassandra! May assured me he was a gentleman." "In fact," Cassy was on the verge of laughing, "I kind of enjoyed it. I even put on a show for him." Anais shoved Cassy, "UHG! Don't be such a disgusting freak!" Cassy and Ansis were almost ready to brawl when May came back down. Both girls sat up and smiled like nothing happened. Anais launched into another round of adult conversation with May and Cassy slowly sunk into bored stupor. A few minutes passed when the dark boy came down the stairs. He was quite different looking up close. Instead of it being messy, his hair looked more cleaned up. He wore a black vest that Cassy couldn't help but admire. She suddenly felt very self conscious when she saw him recognize her. “Oh! Micheal,” May smiled and gestured toward Cassy and Anais. “Dear, these are the neighbors girls, they are so charming.” Cassy gave a forced smile, she was about to say hello when he mumbled, “You seem to be busy talking to-” “Anais,” May informed him. “-Anais,” he nodded, “so why don't I talk to her sister.” Cassy felt a chill run down her spine. What did he want with her? She unconsciously got up and followed him. He looked like he was putting on his own cordial act which made her feel a little more at ease. He led her to the front porch. Once out side Cassy suddenly felt much better, like she'd been holding her breath the whole time she was inside the house. She leaned against a wooden pillar painted white. She saw stepping outside seemed to relax the dark boy as well. “Soooo,” Cassy brushed some of her hair behind her ear. “You're new around here huh?”