[@User] Much better. See what you can do when you put your mind to it? There were a few minor faults with it, but as a good will gesture, I'll accept. If it turns out I've made an erroneous decision, I can always have poor old Richardson eaten. Just remember to make your IC posts clear, with signs of apt enthusiasm, and we'll be good ;) Welcome aboard. [@AiyvaGuard] I'm sorry about the booty shakin', I hope it doesn't burden you too much. In any case, as discussed, you're accepted. Both of you can join the RP right now, as I do not believe we're at a time where your absence would have been noted. As far as I'm concerned, you've been with the group through the starting posts. [@HHShetland] I kept seeing you hovering above this RP, hoping you'd show some form of interest... and here it is! Get something up, and I'll see how to work him/her into the mix.