[quote=@Pandadise RS] Oh, that's right, what are some of the possibilities of characters we could make, besides Seekers? You also mentioned that there's some racism towards asuras, do they even have a place in a city, or is it like "you can't be here, go somewhere else *kicks*"? [/quote] In the OOC I will present a multitude of factions with a varying prevalence throughout the world. For example, the armed forces of each country or maybe the colleges through out the land. For those interested in Channelers, you do NOT have to be a seeker to be a Channeler. Some more examples are Pirates/Privateers, local Hunters (there will be a lot of crazy wild animals and creatures), merchants, etc. As for the Asura, the racism varies. For example, in the Capitol of Xav'r, Wayfare City, there may be a small degree of racism along the lines of not wanting to eat at the same resteraunt as an Asura. But obviously there will be people who AREN'T racist and maybe even back up Asuras. It's a good mix of extremists, segregationists, and people who want unity. Also I want to note that there will be a prevalent Marxist struggle in society that characters can relate to if you wish. This will focus on the rich vs poor, as corruption in politics across the globe will further separate the wealthy from the not so fortunate. Labor unions/strikes/etc will lead to domestic tensions among an already unstable global setting.