[quote=@TheFake] Loving the changes, especially the mobile friendly and new functionality. [list] [*]Is it necessary to show the disabled page navigation? I know that not having them would throw off the alignment so perhaps something as simple as below would work. The element won't be rendered but will still take up space to preserve the alignment. [code] li.disabled{ visibility: hidden; } [/code] [*]We can hide forum sections, is it possible to also have users able to hide the widgets on the right as well? [*]in post links on headers for those long, wiki article like posts. Would make things easier for those detail obsessed GMs. [code] [url=#setting]setting[/url] [h1=Setting]somethingsomething[/h1] [/code] [*]Is there any way to have some sort of infinite pagination for the forum and topic views as seen on things like a facebook or twitter feed? [/list] [/quote] - In general I prefer the principle of least astonishment in UIs which involves showing buttons in a disabled state rather than hiding them, but I think pagination is a good candidate for hiding the non-options. Thanks, I'll play with it. - I'd eventually like users to be able to hide the sidebar. Right now it'd be kind of a pain to implement a collapse because of how the HTML is structured. Also, at the moment until the sidebar/forum matures, I kinda like that I can rely on the sidebar being visible to all so that I can eventually put more important information on it. It's something I'm willing to give up eventually though. - Support for anchor navigation (for example, table of contents) would be hot. Agreed. Great feature. Random crazy idea: Allow author to opt-in to an autogenerated table of contents for their post based on header tags. - Infinite loading/scroll is a plan I'd like to implement eventually for sure. Particularly once I've implemented the view that allows users to filter down the list of all roleplays/checks. Good feedback, thanks!