Hanami's lips curved into a small smile when she was selected by Yukimara and The Princess. She bowed slightly to them both before stepping forward with the rest of the warriors. The only Priestess out of everyone, and the Princess still chose Hanami to accompany her. Some of the unchosen ones made it clear they were upset with The Princess' decision, particularly a loud mouthed woman with blue-hair and revealing blue-armor to match. Had she not been so obnoxious, The Priestess would have appreciated her beauty more. Naturally, Hanami wouldn't waste her breath responding to the blue-warrior, even if she made it obvious that Hanami was not apart of the four women that supposedly reeked of blood. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as the blue-haired "warrior" went on about how much more experienced she was than the rest of them. [i]Oh, geeze. Experienced at what?[/i] It was only a matter of time before one of the less tolerant warriors spoke up to the woman... As usual, she was right. A visibly young woman stepped forward, claiming to be from the Village of Whispers. Already Hanami was impressed with the teenager for standing up to the adult, speaking wise words for someone so young... and to take on this challenge as well. It was no easy feat. For a moment, she sympathized with Shiroko until her attention was caught by another woman who introduced herself as a demon slayer, and then The Princess. Hanami was quite amused with her response to the whole thing, thinking that she handled it well. Hanami giggled along, flushing red when a few of the warriors shot her strange looks. She stopped laughing, and exhaled through her nostrils slowly. Was a Priestess such an odd sight to see among warriors? She didn't think so, but it made sense that they wouldn't know what she was capable of. "Princess, thank you for accepting my request to travel with you. I'm High Priestess Hanami from the Lady Chihomi Shrine." She paused, biting her lip for a split second. " I'm here, because I want to help you. I'm willing to lend you my light for free. I don't need anything from you actually. I need to do this for my Shrine, and to prove my abilities as The new High Priestess of my village. I may not look like the rest of these women, but I am just as skilled in what I do."