Hi, all. Longtime lurker here who suddenly found the time to actually participate. Freeform RP's are my preferred outlet for practicing my creative writing and character studies, but I haven't played for over a decade and a half now. I suppose I'd be considered what you young whippersnappers call an old fart, but I'm not here to poop on anyone's parade or tell you to get off my lawn or bore you to death with thrilling tales of how we roleplayed back in the bad old days, where we huddled over our magic electricky machines, sending narratives to one another via mysterious airwave bulletins (I have been told these are called e-mail today. What a ridiculous term). I'm just here for the storytelling, and for creating outlandish characters and seeing if they can survive whatever you guys dish out. Currently hoping to join the new "Diving into the Abyss" RP over in the Casual boards, which seems like it could be incredibly fun. If you aren't playing it, then hopefully I'll run into you elsewhere on here. --BW