Madison jumped and let out a slight gasp at the cry that pierced the air, shaking the young woman to her bones. It was frightening, the type of scream that meant something bad had happened. Or someone got a really bad scare. Which was still bad. She covered her heart with her hand, taking a deep breath to try and calm the racing thing. She hoped no one had gotten seriously hurt. The thought was frightening and sort of froze her to the spot on the ground, staring up at Isak with wide eyes. She couldn't just sit there and not go towards the sound; after all, someone could be hurt and she wanted to help. She wasn't the type to just sit around and let someone suffer or not help someone in need. It just wasn't her to do that. She managed to get to her feet, her dress about to get on her last nerves. The thing was just a bother, heavy and in her way. With a slight huff, she heaved it up and slowly began to follow Isak. She was slower, considering she was dealing with a big, red dress, and so it was taking a bit of time for her to step over some of the undergrowth and not get snagged on it. And the undergrowth did hurt a bit, on her bare feet. Maybe she should have kept the heels. She could have broken the heels off but they would have still been uncomfortable. She ignored the little pokes at her feet and how her body just wanted to sit down, how her throat was begging for water. She marched on and made it through the undergrowth, breaking through just as Isak was trying to grab Charlie's attention. She recognized the man. She remembered his name being Charlie Rosenburg but besides that, she didn't know much else. She was still fairly new to the crew and thus, she didn't know very many crew members, or know any of them well, at the very least. She waved to Charlie but didn't say anything; after all, Isak had said enough. She had nothing to add and she really didn't want to speak too much. It felt like sandpaper every time she did and that was not an enjoyable feeling, at all.