[quote=@Freeshooter92] The unfortunate part is they are handling her very, very badly. She's sick, angry, tired, and paranoid, even moreso with the threat of Lyn's demise constantly looming over her head. The fact that because of her actions Lyn nearly died twice is causing her extreme anguish, especially since the second one would have been by her own hand. Meanwhile, the knowledge that Lyn thinks it's all her fault is hurting her greatly. Add to that the massive Psychic shock throwing her already questionable sanity into more chaos than usual. To be called out on her failings before they are out of danger will probably deepen her despair to such a level that she effectively cracks under the pressure, leaving her compliant, sure, but useless and worst of all, suicidal. Not that she shouldn't be made to account for her shitty decisions. There just might be a better time. [/quote] Alright, question. Would solving any of these problems help at all to make addressing issues less severe? Lyn~ From your last post my impression was that Alaira didn't understand that Lyn thought she hurt Alaira, merely that she felt it was her fault, which means she can't explain what happened completely with signs. You can only say so much with signs. Maybe Ssarak could possibly help with that as he could translate Lyn's thoughts to words to what exactly she is thinking then help fill the gaps. Lyn can understand if she's told [u]what[/u] actually hurt Alaira instead just told it's not her fault. She needs something else to explain why Alaira reacted like that because without that, the only reason Lyn can come up with is her self. Sickness~ If this is blood sickness, this will go away by morning as long as she doesn't use anymore magic. It just means her arcanite is low and needs recharge which as time goes on, it will replenish itself. So a time skip to morning will be helpful in eliminating that though I suggest she takes it easy on the magic some. :P Tried & Angry~ Tired will also be gone by morning as nothing happens farther and the fact there's a fire will help. As for Angry, best Lyn can do is try to snuggle and cuddle Alaira to make her less moody before the chat with the other two. Also, would keeping Lyn where Alaira could see her help in soothing over Alaira's anger over the chat?