[center][h1][center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpk5njHRezU]Agent Zero[/url][/center][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/0/0f/WantedSniper-2.jpg/600px-WantedSniper-2.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Name:[/b] David Avery Thurman, went by the alias Christoph Nord for a time. [b]Age:[/b] 24, born August 19th, 1922 [b]Alias:[/b] [Agent] Zero [b]Position in School:[/b] Student [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://cs313624.vk.me/v313624136/9a9c/R4Z_6B6iGG8.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Masked:[/b] [img]https://a4-images.myspacecdn.com/images03/31/c262f72d5f854ee58d6a920be313449c/300x300.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 5'10" [b]Costume (if any):[/b] [img]http://cs315824.vk.me/v315824839/2e25/KM8snVBFmgw.jpg[/img] [b]Abilities:[/b] [u]Enhanced Marksmanship[/u] One of the most skilled marksmen in the world, David's primary mutation manifests itself in drastic improvement of his aim, accuracy and precision. He needs only an instant to to aim before being able to precisely hit a target with a projectile. David can judge extremely long distances with amazing accuracy, gauging the strength needed to launch a projectile in order to hit a target with almost superhuman precision. If a target is moving, David can calculate the best method to hit the target. Visual obstructions like smoke and vegetation do not hinder his ability to get an accurate shot on his target, and his intense focus on whatever he's shooting at allows him to shut out outside distractions. He can compensate for environmental factors that would normally throw off one's aim like wind, air resistance, gravity, and radiant heat (which distorts the image of the target). However, David is not a [i]perfect[/i] marksman, as human error can and will allow him to miss on occasion. [u]Kinetic Energy Absorption (Limited)[/u] A more subdued power, David can, to a limited affect, absorb kinetic energy into his body; such examples of this being falling from a great height, energy attacks, or a powerful physical blow. This ability allows him to greatly reduce, if not completely nullify the injuries he receives from such impacts. This absorbed energy will typically become a reserve amount of stamina, giving him a sort of 'boost' or 'rush'. However, David is not fully trained in this particular ability, and as such, not only will using the energy boost absorbed from impacts tire him out quickly, but the power itself will not typically not activate until his body is in a fight-or-flight response, where life or death are the only options. [u]Superhuman Agility & Reflexes[/u] As a side-effect of his enhanced markshamship, David's reflexes are enhanced to levels unobtainable by normal human beings. Likewise, his agility, balance, and bodily coordination are heightened to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. These enhanced attributes make him a highly dangerous hand-to-hand combatant, capable of even sparring with the likes of Wolverine on semi-even ground; though the more experienced man's older age, longer training, and metal skeleton allow him to win these spars more likely than not. [b]Skills:[/b] A highly skilled hand-to-hand comatant and covert operative with unmatched skill in marksmanship, David was renowned during his tenure as a soldier for his adaptability, improvisation skills, reputation of fear and sheer willingness to survive. Being trained to effectively wield, clean and maintain virtually all types of firearms with added skill in explosives, David has functioned both as a front-line soldier and a sniper whenever the need has called for it, executing both jobs with the same amount of skill and lethality. Having traveled abroad during World War II, David is fluent in: English (his native lanuage), Russian and German, with enough knowledge in Japanese to have a basic conversation, though nothing near the level of fluency. David is quick-thinking and resourceful, capable of devising quick scenarios and strategies in the field of battle, as well as using the environment to his advantage in combat. He is trained both in open and Guerrilla warfare tactics. Despite not being much of a diplomat, David is both highly skilled at observation and at intimidation, his skill-set, dark reputation and inclination towards violence and ferociousness making him an invaluable interrogator. Lastly, David is a survivor. Running away from home at relatively young age and having to provide both for himself and his sister, David adopted a survival instinct very early on, teaching himself how to be a provider, a gatherer and a guardian. This trait carried over into adulthood, where he had a reputation in the Army for flourishing in, or otherwise surviving extremely dangerous or seemingly uninhabitable conditions, as well as somehow managing to make it out of various life-threatening situations with hardly a scratch. [b]Equipment:[/b] Weapon-wise, David keeps himself equipped for nearly any combat scenario. His most common weapons are dual Colt M1911 pistols, which he is capable of dual-wielding with no drawbacks to his aim, accuracy or precision. Along with his pistols, David will carry either a scoped M1903 Springfield bolt-action sniper rifle or a StG 44 assault rifle, dependant on the role he's filling during missions. David keeps a combat knife and various throwing blades equipped for melee combat, and a single hand grenade secured on his person for crowd control. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] A serious, erudite man, calm and logical in battle, David comes across as a kind and well-disposed, though quiet and soft-spoken individual, mostly speaking only when spoken to first. He is both highly intelligent and a fast learner, being self-taught in a wide range of subjects, with history and human psychology being the most prominent. David is a devout Christian. Despite not being very open or outspoken about his faith, he will nonetheless speak of God or Jesus Christ quite often in his conversations with others, as well as carrying a pocket Bible on his person and praying before any battle. Aside from his faith, David is a very contemplative and pensive person, often asking very deep, philosophical questions, be they to himself or to his teammates. David was very protective towards his twin sister, Neena, both before and during the Second World War. During their childhood and adolescence, he would be the one to calm her down if she ever got angry and provided for her as best as he could. Having not seen her since the War, David still has hope she's out there somewhere, though such hope is fading as time moves on. On a darker note, underneath David's composed and friendly demeanor is a tranquil fury of sorts. During the War he was renowned for his efficiency, skill, and sheer brutality, possessing a high capability for cruelty and viciousness. In fact, even to this day he has a very militant "kill-them-all" philosophy in regards to dealing with enemies. He holds no qualms towards killing those he deems as his own or God's enemies and rarely gives quarter or accepts surrender. Nevertheless, since the War's end he has turned away from the use of torture, preferring a clean kill, lest he dirty his own conscience. [b]Backstory:[/b] Much of David's life was gaining both harsh and valuable life experience. Born to a wealthy family, he lived the first few years of his life in luxury with his father, a workaholic banker, bringing in a comfortable salary. He shared a very close relationship with his twin sister, Neena and his mother, River, the latter having taught him the basics of Christianity. When the Great Depression hit, David and his family were reduced to just a step above poverty, forced to move to a small cottage and struggle to support one or even two meals a day while also trying to buy clothes, toys, and afford schooling. It was not long after this when David's mother passed away after a long battle with Tuberculosis, leaving the twins heartbroken. Their father, emotionally exhausted, soon remarried to a woman from Georgia, an overzealous Catholic. Seeking reform in the Thurman household, she had Neena placed in a Catholic girls school and began pressing Bible lessons into David, enough where he began to openly despise her. By the time he was 16, David had had enough. Packing as many of his belongings as he could in a duffle bag he ran away from home, breaking into the boarding school Neena was placed in and 'rescuing' her in the meantime. From that moment on, the two of them began a vagabond journey, traveling from place-to-place, performing small, odd jobs and scrounging for whatever food or shelter they could find. Because of Neena's then-unknown mutation and David's own survival instinct, they always managed to find at least one good meal a day and a safe place to sleep for the night. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, David and Neena both enlisted in the Army, managing to land in the same division together. It was during basic training where David's mutation began to reveal itself as he displayed an inhuman amount of skill with firearms that even seasoned, battle-hardend veterans couldn't come close to matching. This caught the attention of Canton Delaware, a CIA agent assigned to track down those with special abilities - mutants. Approaching both Neena and David, Canton offered them a position in a secret government operation known only as Team X, a black ops squadron that consisted of highly-trained mutants to perform clandestine operations for the Allied Powers in hopes of ending the World War sooner than anticipated. David and Neena both accepted, given the codenames Agent Zero and Agent Domino, the rest of their squad consisting of unique mutants who operated under their codenames: Wolverine, Odysseus, Jaeger and Toad. Receiving professional training in special operations, urban and guerrilla warfare, espionage, intelligence gathering, military tactics and linguistics the team was deployed within months, where David first underwent the experience of battle. Witnessing senseless death in such high regards, David lost his faith in God. From that point forward he slowly began to enjoy battle, growing almost addicted to the adrenaline he felt each time he pulled the trigger of a gun. While others in his squad, like Wolverine and Odysseus killed with blunt efficiency like a chore, David began savoring it, soon enough gaining a reputation as a soldier who would exterminate entire villages in less than a hour, experiencing no guilt or pain afterwards. Though Team X was under the pretense that they were catalysts fighting to end the War as quickly as possible, their function was [i]much[/i] darker. The terrorist organization known as HYDRA had a number of sleeper agents that had infiltrated the CIA years before, using the Second World War to reap war, spark crises and generally wreak havoc - and Team X was no exception. In reality, the entire purpose of the mutant black-ops squadron was to cause as much damage as possible, their missions strategically organized to keep the War going, with no intention of stopping in the near-foreseeable future. In the year 1944, Team X was deployed on what would be David's last mission. The objective was simple: enter a Nazi base hidden in the German mountains, steal a collection of top-secret military files, then hurry to the extraction point. What the team [i]didn't[/i] expect, however, was that Toad would switch sides in the middle of the mission. The operation went from a simple extraction to a full-blown survival mission. The files were no longer the objective, making it to the extraction point in one piece was. Enthralled by the adrenaline that came with his fight-or-flight response, David was too engrossed in mowing down any enemy who came into his sights to notice a single soldier sprinting straight towards him. Turning around but a second too late at Neena's warning, David had less than a moment to see the Nazi lunge at him before they were both sent tumbling over the mountainside - two more casualties in the statistics books. It wasn't until hours later after night had fallen when David woke up lying facedown in the snow, completely uninjured. Someway, somehow, he had survived a fall that would have killed [i]any[/i] man. Invigorated by both his survival instinct and a reserve supply of energy, David walked more than ten miles in the snow to reach a small village, where he was quickly taken in by a Methodist preacher named Octavius Badanov. Going by the name Christoph Nord to repel any unwanted attention, David developed a cover story that he was a vagrant and wanderer who was caught in the midst of a bad snowstorm, unable to make his way back to his home for the night. Octavius showed David compassion, offering him a place to stay at his own home. The two of them grew closer over the next few months, developing an almost father-son relationship. Octavius helped rekindle David's faith, with the turbulent young man finally wishing to seek atonement for his past atrocities. He remained with Octavius until the War's end in 1945, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. David, now wishing to reunite with his sister, used what funds he had to journey back to the United States, having to adjust back to not only a civilian life, but an American life as well. By the year 1946, David had started losing hope that his sister was alive, let alone anywhere he could find her. But there was still a tiny glimmer of hope in the [i]last[/i] person David expected to see again: Wolverine. David learned of all that had happened since his supposed death in Germany. How Team X was disbanded completely shortly after the 'botched' mission, how the members became scattered quickly after the War's end and how mutants were becoming far more prevalent throughout the world. Learning of David's mission to locate and reunite with Neena, Logan told him of Xavier's school for mutants, how if anyone would be able to find her, it would be the Professor, himself. Accepting his former comrade's offer, David formally became a student of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. [b]Other:[/b] Despite being American, David speaks with an odd, almost German accent, though it is very light. This is due to the time he spent abroad in Germany, where he spoke little English. Secondly, while typically refraining from drinking alcohol due to its mind-clouding nature, David has a penchant for smoking cigarillos. Lastly, though he holds the terrible deeds he committed during the War with regret, David is not very affected, if affected at all by Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.[/center]