[quote=@Sini] Macedon? [/quote] You nailed it. I can see why the Atarma would make you think Arabic cataphract/Huns, but they're just an odd mesh of Macedon's companion cavalry with my nation's composite bow perk. [quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [@Cyclone] I'm taking another look at your nation and I have an offer to make you. A trade of technology for metal and food, thoughts? [/quote] I had actually thought the same thing about trading with you for technology, since my rolls state that I am reliant on foreign expertise to modernize my military and manufacturing. Metal I have in abundance while you lack, so that works. As far as food goes, Terus could has sugar as a unique resource and they could probably sell some stuff that would be considered exotic to Ryuku. They won't feed your masses during the seasonal shortages though, since the distance between us would spoil most perishable foods and Terus' slash and burn agriculture means that while they don't starve, they also don't have an easy time producing lots of food.