[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yvK5Jsb.png[/img][/center] The group is alerted by a sudden snapping noise, followed quickly by the screech of rusted hinges. The chair leg securing the gym's fire door has given way under the force of multiplying blows. The dead surge in, first three, then four, then six. They fall over each other in their scramble to reach the living, hissing and moaning their terrible melody. Unfortunately, many of the group were standing nearby - distracted as they were by the three shamblers who had moved out of the side cupboard. One of the dead attempts to grab a fear-paralysed Sophia, but James tackles it to the ground and begins beating its head in with his gloved fists. Another shambler comes from his blind side, and tackles him in turn. Before the group can move to help him, he screams out as several pairs of teeth start tearing him apart. They know there is nothing to be done. The fire doors are open, and the dead are pouring in slowly but steadily. There's not many of them, perhaps twelve in total, but even this may be too much for them to handle. Is it time to stand their grown and fight? Or will they flee into the school, hoping to lose the dead in the maze of classrooms and corridors?