Yuuki almost jumped up and looked at him with narrowed eyes. ''I didn't say I can't bare children.. I said the man that made me the queen of cats thought He couldn't so he saw no use is having that kind of relationship with me. He knew he would die in the battle and left the place of a new king open and gave me the chance to still be in all my ... how does a human say that? glory when I would ever marry a new man to give my kingdom a king'' she said. She sighed and hated herself that he could make her mad so easily. She walked to him but only took the other goblet and the bottle of wine, pouring the goblet half full and then slowly starting to sip from it. ''I don't even think you will survive the kidnapping of Santania.. She is the offspring of our creator himself. I think you will burn before you even reached her castle'' she said and looked into the fire. ''But if you wanna know so badly what I want.. I do want a child or two.. almost every women, demon or not, wants one'' she said and then looked at the paintings. ''Hmm.. so many lords or the darkness yet you do not have the most rarest couple of all'' she said and put her hand in the pocket of her pants, taking out a mini-sized painting. ''Could you hang this one above my throne?'' she asked and laid it down on the table. ''It are my parents.. And a explanation why I am a white demon..'' she said and then walked to her throne and taking a seat there.