[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [@Cyclone] Then be prepared to be amazed by the power of Ryukyuan technology! Trade wise, don't worry about the pirate too much, the Empire has... ways of "dealing" with them, just be sure to fly a Ryukyuan flag next to your own on ships. If you don't, well we'll get the metal at any rate but not so sure about your own sailors. [/quote] Yes, seeing as Ryuku has a big navy while Terus has 10,000 city guards and 8,000 border guards, I doubt banditry or piracy would be an issue. What could be problematic (or just more stops along the trade route of fun, metal, happiness, sugar, and technology) are Vathcras and Oxfreight. Both have good navies. Any thoughts, [@Sini] and [@DancingEagle] ? Anyways, I'll see about adding a paragraph to my sheet mentioning the trade. How do you feel about this for starters? "Within the past century, the Dominion of Terus has also established contact with the distant Ryuku Empire. The Azracs were impressed by these foreigners' advanced technology and wealth, while the Ryukuans greatly desired many of Azraca's resources. Naturally, a trade route soon developed. The Terusites were glad to take Ryukuan gold in exchange for Azrac's famed leathers and the iron that they would have otherwise discarded in favor of bronze. Other miscellaneous goods such as sugar, exotic foods, and pearls are shipped by the boat as well, but perhaps the most important trade good for the Terusites is knowledge. The Terus dynasty was the first to begin hiring Ryukuan scholars and artisans to share their secrets, but now the other major lords are beginning to take suit. Slowly, this trade route is helping to modernize Azraca and better equip the Ryukuan army." I see that some of your troops use leather armor. Incidentally, I have leather as a unique resource so I figured I'd throw that into the mix of trade goods as well.