Kaede had just simply stood and watched as this peacock put on her oh so elaborate display. She could see her words riling some of her now-comrades, and truthfully her speech stung a little after the thirty years of dedication and war Kaede herself had put into her skill and experience. This scantily clad girl was at least twenty years her junior and her posture and manner of speech reeked of inexperience and... had she even ever killed anyone? Kaede would put money on betting that she had not. Such a stripling, the blades she bore were of a Samurai veteraned in war, definitely not her own. All of these things accumulated into one solid wall of contempt and disapproval that shielded Kaede from any sting Noriaki's silly boasting might have conjured. She really very much wanted to challenge her in a duel but she almost felt like that would be a waste of her own talents. And the girl was such a scandalous flirt, she wanted to torment her quite alot. There had been others arriving, one of which was a Demon Slayer, an unfortunate occurence but one she could deal with and had some practice at. She seemed a reasonable sort, if a little stern, hopefully when the inevitable was discovered it would be sorted out civilly. Then there was the little Kuniochi, one look at her sent a tiny stab to her heart, remembering times long past. But she quickly shook that off, she refused to wallow. And then there was this determined little priestess, she too would probably easily discover her heritage, it wasnt like it was a secret, but she seemed more compulsive, maybe even harder to deal with that the actual demon hunter, so full of righteousness and 'light'. But none of them really drew attention away from this little peacock of theirs, and it was very hard to ignore. Chuckling low and maliciously to herself, she stepped towards the peacock, looking down at her with her eyes swirling and gleaming red. [b]"Such pretty words, little bird, and such pretty dress. I would think you more a courtesan than a great Samurai of grand deeds. You say you will accept a challenge? Well such insults as those should be proven justified."[/b] She turned to the many hot and bothered and glaring Samurai warriors in the courtyard and hailed them boldly. [b]"How about you let these brave Guardian's of the Emporer prove your worth? These great men hand picked to guard our Sovereign? Who amongst you would test our bold Bird here?"[/b] There were many loud and empassioned shouts of agreement and fisted hands punched the air in challenge, volunteers beginning to press into their group slowly. She did know how to work a crowd and play to the emotions in mens hearts. At the moment is was almost too easy to do. Kaede gave a languid smile as she turned back to this 'Noriaki'. [b]"I volunteer as well, but not until you've defeated at least five of them. I dont insult myself with Peacocks for opponents."[/b] She grinned in a slightly malicious and somewhat murderous manner, her hands resting once again on her hips as her eyes coldly evaluated this little bird's reaction.