Collaborative Post. [color=92278f]Orior[/color] x [color=9e0039]Renny[/color] [hr] [color=92278f]Tremere listened to her peer respectfully with a cocked head. Her brows knit together at Jin's reluctance to the topic, and she hoped she hadn't made him uncomfortable. "You have been training longer than I have, Jin. No matter what kind of test the master gives us, you're going to do great." She folded her hands in her lap, gathering the end's of the boy's red scarf. "I... Yes. The test is on my mind," She said with a strained half smile, her glossy eyes rolling to the pavement. She wasn't really worried about the test itself as much as what would come after. She doubted her ability to uphold the responsibility of a true master. "It means a lot to hear that, Jin." She flashed him a grateful look.[/color] [color=9e0039]Jinsei smiled back. To see her smile in response to his words made his heart quicken even more, he hoped he should no signs of it. He reached up and touched the side of his neck, his fingers gently rubbing as he thought of his next words. Whenever she was around he made sure to speak carefully, to choose his words where otherwise he'd speak rashly. "Well, I try," he responded with a wide grin. "Its not everyday a young lad gets a shot at their dream. For as long as I could remember I've respected the Bearers of old, wanted nothing more than to be one and uphold the light... now that the chance has come, I find it hard to admit I'm rooting for another. Though, I could think of no one other than you to root for besides myself." "I'm rambling, I know. But I can't help it." He looked up towards the darkness overhead, the stars gleamed especially bright to him. "Legends are watching and I want to be remembered as someone who wanted nothing else than to convey the power of light."[/color] [color=92278f]The young girl stood, "You are strong, Jin. You'll be remembered. Though for what you'r actions will decide," Tremere thought Jin was strong and able, despite the distance she kept from his heated routine, and had confidence he would do well. She found his words slightly inspiring, if only for the fact that they were both candidly honest and flattering. A pink blush colored her cheeks. She wanted to say they were all friends and rooting for each other, but she didn't, because she wasn't sure if that was how he meant it. She followed his gaze to the sky, "I like to think that if there is anyone watching that they at least see the effort we all put in... I'm not always the strongest, but I try my best, and I think that's enough." Her gaze met his, her pales fingers curling around the scarf bundled at her neck. "I don't mind when you ramble," her voice was quieter, and then she cleared her throat and added, "I didn't really have any plans to do anything else. Maybe it'll help us both sleep." She rubbed the soft fabric of his scarf between her fingers.[/color] [color=9e0039]"Who knew, its looks like my rambling does have a use after," he said kindly, turning to look at her. She had touched the fabric of his scarf gently and it sprung an idea into his mind. Tilting his head to observe her even further, he smirked. "Do you like it? the scarf that is. You can have it, think of it as a good luck charm... and a thanks for listening to my heart." He didn't have a problem telling her that her words had comforted him, that he took solace in that thought. If the legends from the ages were looking on at him, he could only hope that they were proud of his effort. Even still, it wouldn't keep him from trying to do even greater things for the worlds. "When I was little I use to get into fights all the time. Now that I've come this far, I can't for the life of me figure out why but I remember that it felt right. Like they deserved what I gave them." "What do you think, do I look like the type to beat up people senselessly?" Jin asked.[/color] [color=92278f]"..You want me to have it?" She replied with wide eyes. She looked at the item in question, running her hands down the trailing ends. "If you are certain, then I'd be glad to accept it. It's very warm." Tremere rarely received gifts and the gesture lightened her anxiety about the upcoming test. "Thank you, Jin." "You? A bully?" She said lightly, a look of disbelief on her face. When she had been younger, she spent little time with the other apprentices, and hadn't known that about Jin. A small giggle fell from her lips at the thought. She shook her head with a bemused smile, putting a dainty hand on her cheek. "That's a little hard to imagine." She was surprised at how open he was to her; although, this was one of the more honest conversations she had been part of in a while. "No... That's not the kind of person you are." She bit her lip and shivered once more.[/color] [color=9e0039]Jin let his head drop just a bit, wanting to hide the joy in his eyes. He was sure she knew but he just couldn't bare showing such naked emotion to her, even if it was only in the eyes. He smiled faintly, though he wanted for it be so much wider. "...Thanks, Trem. It really made me feel better." Catching the sight of her shiver, Jin figured it was time for the two of them to return to their beds. The night was especially beautiful but it was often magical times like this when it could be its most unforgiving. Nervously, he rubbed the back of his head and smiled. "Well... I think I'm heading to sleep now," he lied, knowing that he'd simply be staring up at the ceiling the rest of the night. "You should do the same, Trem. Tomorrows the big day after all, remember I'm rooting for you."[/color] [color=92278f]At the mention of sleep, Tremere unexpectedly let out a small yawn. She blinked a few times and then bobbed her head in the smallest of nods. "It is getting late." She glanced toward the door and then back to Jin. She was much more likened to the idea of going to bed after their conversation. "I'm rooting for you too, Jin. I hope you and I both do well." The girl patted his shoulder and her hand lingered there as she moved away, a genuine smile on her face. She walked slowly to the large castle doors, her eyes on him. She hefted it open and disappeared inside.[/color]