So far, all Ssarak has seen is that she has been more of a danger to her allies than her enemies. Honestly, he is more likely to want to send her away than to continue fighting with her, though that isn't an option. As you said, he is a soldier, so he has many years of training behind him. He would see her style of fighting as more dangerous than helpful (because, is). Ultimately, there is a reason that people in history were not encouraged to fight in that way, as it isn't as effective as approaching combat tactically. Good tactics are what win wars, so Ssarak would judge her approach very harshly. Your character can make the choices you want her to and act however you feel like she should, but that doesn't mean all the other characters will accept it. It would not make sense for Ssarak to accept fighting with someone so reckless. If she does not undergo any kind of change in that regard, he will do everything he can to avoid fighting with her in the future.