We've got around 20 entries at the moment, with a bunch more in my inbox -- and [i]GOOD NEWS EVERYONE![/i] The deadline is being extended!! Here's what happened. We've obviously been building this for a while and we set things in motion a while back. The timeline is heavily based on WOTM submission and voting periods, because those worked and made sense. Something came up this weekend -- my ailing grandfather passed about a week ago and I had to fly home for the funeral, and thus I'm quite busy with family things during the heavy contest-admin period. So while the crew is all ready to go, and we've gotten *loads* of great entries -- plenty to put the contest up right this instant if we wanted to -- I simply don't have the time to get everything pretty right now. I'm pushing the deadline back to Wednesday, by which point I should be back in my own house on my own schedule, and I can get it kicked off in style. Delays like this aren't gonna be regular, it's just a special circumstance that happened to pop up on the first run. So to take advantage of the extra time, let's talk real quick about what you can do. If you're still working on your entry, keep going! We'll get you in. If you've already submitted, but you haven't heard back from me yet, you can continue to make changes and edit the submission up until the deadline (maybe you didn't think you had time to proofread real carefully -- now you do!). If you've already submitted [b]and[/b] I've sent you a preview of the formatting, that means that someone on the crew, right now, this very instant, may already be reading your submission (along with any formatting changes we talked about) and writing a review based on that -- but you can still use these extra days to refine it further, if you like, thanks to the cool new PM system Mahz set up. If you make any further changes you'll just have to add a reply to the private conversation, letting me know that it's changed. [b]So when are submissions due?[/b] Wednesday, the 18th. I'll be creating the voting thread super-late at night, in that grey area between Wednesday and Thursday. As long as you get your entry in before that thread goes up, you're in. I do apologize for the confusion, but the delay should work out to everyone's benefit, so let's keep the entries rolling for a few more days! Everything's shaping up to be a pretty special contest, and that's the best way to kick off RPGC. Additional note: We're going to adjust the voting period as well to make sure there's enough time to read and appreciate all the great work you've all done. Based on the volume of entries I've received we may have an extra weekend in the works -- which is [i]fantastic[/i], I think. Anyway plan for a little flexibility in this first run. Things won't always be this loose, but special circumstances are, after all, special.