Free if you want us to reward Alaira for her recklessness we'd have to bend things pretty far. Yes, there were bandits hiding the tall grass. But your decision to light the entire field on fire just to smoke them out might have only killed a few of them, and considering what happened to the party afterwards it was a Pyrrhic victory. And yeah, even if you didn't do anything else at the bridge you would have had to fight the robed man and the guard captain as they were going to shake you guys down for more money. But by attacking of their guards first you really do make yourself look like a violent thug. Yeah, vampires are involved, but how exactly would Alaira had known that? As far as anyone else could see IC, she just strait up attacked a guardsmen and accused them of being highway men. The best I could salvage from this was letting the captain live so you guys don't have to worry about Djarkel Barons hunting the college down for attacking their guardsmen and letting him tip your guys off about further ambushes. Hell, the fact that the captain told you that much would make things easier for all of you. Aside from needing to convince the caravan master to go with your plan, now you all can ambush the enemy, which would allow a speedster like Alaira to take out the biggest threat, one of the Psychomancers you'll be dealing with. That eliminates one threat leaving you all only to deal with the mooks and mini boss. So in a way her actions were helpful, just not to the extent that your characters would have realized. Also I thought you and I already talked about some things we rewarded Alaira for. Tyrael himself gave her something to help her channel her magic for saving Mar and Lyn, but either you forgot about that or dismissed it. Indeed, you even mentioned that Alaira hated Tyrael, which I thought was strange because I'm pretty sure he appreciates her dedication to protecting who he considers family. Not that it would be surprising that she'd hate him, he doesn't do a lot to garner friends and has plenty of reasons to have enemies. Also, I already told you exactly what was going to happen in this scenario a long time ago. I even made this mission specifically for Grey, so he could vent his frustrations against vampires. But than you had Grey go on Rtron's mission and had Alaira do a caravan escort, despite knowing what was on the trail. And that is also why I allowed Lyn to purchase that Amulet which will help Alaira circumvent this issue, and why I had to orchestrate with Ryo to have Meirin give it to Alaira. And it's because we're friends that I wanted to give you a scenario where you could have your characters show off. What we have here is a failure to communicate. I frankly don't know what you intend to do Free, at least not with Alaira, and what she tends to do is pretty extreme. Something equally extreme is likely to happen. If you want something good to come out from it you need to talk to us about it, otherwise I just let things take their natural course.