[center][h2][u]The Continent Miras[/u][/h2][/center] [img]http://www.fantasticmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/saemyyrfinalunlabelledwebpreview.jpg[/img] [hider=The Setting]Miras is a world steeped in bloody history. Throughout the ages the races of man and mer have endured wars between eachother as well as a common threat uniting them. These events are known as Purges, when the sinister creatures that inhabit the Great Mirastian Desert march as one towards the east in the hopes of destroying all life on the continent. Whenever a Purge is declared the kingdoms of Miras, under an ancient contract, ally under one banner to face the threat of the Purge. However it has been centuries since the last Purge and the need for the contract is starting to be seen by some of the races as unnecessary. At the same time dark things seem to be developing on the continent. The offshore island of Nalrana has been obscured by an imperceptible fog. As to what goes on their is unknown but many believe the island is cursed. There have been anomalies seen at the edges of the great desert. The Tirasth River Valley has become infertile and in its place is a black and dead forest. Dark things are coming to Miras. In these times heroes are needed to restore order and unite the kingdoms for what is to come. [/hider] [hider=Geography] To give members more creative control over their kingdom's environment this will not be a detailed explanation of the continent's geographic features. It simply is the naming of each region and a simple description of the general area. [list] [*]The Great Mirastian Desert-Despite it also being called "The Dead Sea" the Great Mirastian Desert does harbour life. It is a vast desert with oases dotting the region. The far northwest near the frozen north features a lake with a small jungle surrounding it. [*]The Sentinel Mountain Range-The long thin mountain range that separates the eastern half of the continent from the Dead Sea. [*]The Southern Plains-a lush grasslands dotted with forests and rivers. It is a warm land home to much wildlife. The Tirasth River Valley to the east of the plainslands leads to the coast is usually a lush fertile area. The Southern Plains do not experience much climate change however it varies in certain areas. [*]The Hinterlands-The area surrounding Lake Altas is a mixture of plainsland and forests. A slightly mountainous region The Hinterlands has a temperate climate with exceptionally cold winters. [*]The Woodlands-The forested areas that make up much of the east are teeming with wildlife. The rivers and lakes make the lands fertile in most places. Some places are so dense with foliage that instead of forests they are jungles. [*]The Islands-The main island Nalrana is a harsh and unforgiving place. The volcano that stands at its center spews ash all over the island causing food to be scarce. As a result most of the wildlife there has evolved to be dangerous predators. The smaller island, despite being nameless, is a paradise. It falls just outside the range of the volcanoe's ashes and it has developed into a lush tropical island paradise. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Magic] The Arcane Arts are an ancient form of harnessing the ethereal energy in the world. While humans are capable of utilizing magic the ability is not as commonly found in humans compared to the other races of Miras. The use of magic requires magicka reserves within the caster. If a mage exhaustes their reserves they run the risk of seriously injuring themselves either by their spells backfiring or by unintentionally converting their life energy into magicka which can kill them if overused. Magic has been categorized by the Council of Enchanters into five groups which are...[/hider] [hider=Elementalism]Elementalism-The manipulation of the raw power of the natural elements. Elementalists can learn all forms of this school of magic but at a cost. Most who do this while having an understanding of all aspects sacrifice effectiveness. Meanwhile those who focus on a specific aspect of Elementalism gain a greater understanding of that element. [u][b]Branches of Elementalism[/b][/u] [list] [*]Pyromancy-The manipulation of fire. [*]Cryomancy-The manipulation of ice and water. [*]Electromancy-The manipulation of electricity. [*]Teramancy-The manipulation of the earth. [*]Aeromancy-The manipulation of atmospheric substances. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Necromancy]Necromancy-The manipulation of the corporeal as well as the spiritual. This school of magic is probably one of the most dangerous as it involves resurrecting the dead and summoning spirits, both of which can have unexpected outcomes if not don't correctly. While resurrection spells to summon undead thralls can be summoned with a simple cast, the long term resurrection spells require intense ritual performances and sometimes the use of blood magic. [u][b]Branches of Necromancy[/b][/u] [list] [*]Blood Magic-A forbidden branch of necromancy. Blood magic requires the caster or a sacrifice to shed blood in order to perform special spells and rituals that provide powers from what is known as "The Void". The ethereal energy there is concentrated, purified, and much more powerful then the ethereal energy found on Miras. However there is a danger as practice of Blood Magic can make one susceptible to demonic possession. [*]Conjuration-Probably the second most dangerous branch of Necromancy. Conjuration involves summoning spirits and sometimes demons to aid in battle or barter with for rare items. This is especially dangerous with demons as they most often take possession of the those foolish enough to strike a deal with them. Spirits are more complex and volatile as many are benevolent beings whose soul purpose is to aid mortals. However some can be corrupted by the dark nature of the physical world. This corruption can transform them into demons if they are not properly bound to the caster and even then one must be careful not to pervert the spirits nature. [/list][/hider] [hider=Restoration]Restoration-This School of Magic mostly used by healers. Restoration uses healing auras to mend flesh and heal injuries. This school of magic is unique as a caster can utilize amplification circles to increase the effectiveness of the spell. This amp circle can have multiple healers taking part in it, adding further and further to the spells effectiveness and healing speed. However this does not mean an individual can survive any injury. Mortal wounds that would kill someone barely are seen to be healed and those who die cannot be brought back through restoration but through necromamcy and even then it is not truely the mind of the deceased.[/hider] [hider=Illusion]Illusion-The most cryptic of the schools of magic illusion magic allows the caster to create decoys of themselves or whatever object they wish to duplicate. They can also cause enemies to become confused, angry, fearful, and turn them on eachother. The illusion school is favored by thieves and assassins as enough practice can result in the ability to become invisible for a time.[/hider] [hider=Enchantment]Enchantment-This school of magic is completely different from the others. Instead of spells that manipulate the primal energies enchantment harnesses and focused that energy into objects to be embued with the magical effects of whatever it was enchanted with.[/hider] [hider=Rules] 1.This is my RP, what I say goes. This rule applies to my CO-GMs as well. If you have an idea I'm willing to listen so message me about it before posting. 2.No OP characters or godmodding! 3.Keep the drama out of the OOC, drama in the IC however is encouraged. 4.Do not kill someone's character without their permission. 5.Keep the romance to PG, anything more have it in private convo. 6.No speed posting. A paragraph or more please, more detail allows for smoother posting. 7.Just to make sure you read the rules put "Kingdoms At War" somewhere in your CS. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Appearance:(Anime, 3D, whatever works) Race:(no immortal races, your character can die) Age:(youngest I'll accept is 19 unless I see a good reason for your character to be younger) Personality:(No TBA, it helps to know how your character reacts to certain things) History:(Give your character a backstory. Where did they come from? What have they accomplished?) Weapons:(while weapons with magical enchantment are allowed, enchanted weapons that are OP are not accepted) Magic(if a mage): Armor:(once again can be anime, 3D, whatever. You can even take images from games, movies, almost anything) Other:(Anything you wish to add that doesn't fit in the other sections of the CS) [/hider] [hider=Faction CS] Faction Name: Faction Territory:(pick anywhere on the map. If there is a problem or you wish to have a location not on the map, such as another continent or island, we can talk it out) Capital city(if any): Type of Government: Culture(traditions, religions, society, etc.): History: Other: You do not have to use this as the template for your Faction CS, this is here to just give an idea of what I'm looking for so feel free to make your CS however you like. [/hider] [hr] [h2][b]The Royal Family of Nalrok[/b][/h2] [center][b]King Sardis Taroth[/b][/center] [hider=In Armor][img]http://dalam.d.a.pic.centerblog.net/f0f0e858.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Normal Clothes][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0e/2b/f9/0e2bf9e1ec2f44c147e3f016237b2ea8.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 48 [b]Nickname:[/b] The Ash King, Lord of the Deadlands, Wrath of Rheasa [b]Weapon:[/b] [hider=Sword of the High Commander][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/3/33572/668980-sword_01.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Sardis is a fair but stern ruler. As military leader his duty to protect the kingdom is above all others. He hold very conservative ideals and is unlikely to welcome outsiders into the kingdom unless for special cause. He holds the old ways with high esteem for while he is wise enough to consider options other than war he will not hesitate to wage it if angered enough. [b]Bio:[/b] From birth it was known that Sardis would become a warrior. The boy had an interest in combat his elders described as, "The goddess put her rage in that boy". From young Sardis would train himself in multiple form of combat: sword, spear, bow, even with daggers a weapon considered to be the tool of cowards. Sardis was also a born leader making many friends during his childhood and being seen as their leader very early on. At the age of eighteen Sardis took the trails and it was no surprise to anyone when he was determined to be best in the military. He served valiantly and quickly won renown amongst his fellow soldiers. During a civil war Sardis was promoted to the rank of Voltaris(equivalent to Captain) and he was charged with the overseeing of suppressing the rebellion. He succeeded and was awarded an estate and status in the noble class. Sardis' service in the military was not over as a second rebellion arose. This time due to a member of the noble class named Larthoran claimed a right to the throne. The war raged on for sometime until The Seige of the Royal Palace. Larthoran made his way into the palace where Sardis had been stationed to defend the previous royal family. He failed to prevent the family's murder by Larthoran but he did avenge them that day. With no heir to the throne it was decided by the representatives to elect Sardis the new king and his wife, whom he met during the first civil war, queen. The two now rule as King and Queen of the Kingdom of Nalrok with their daughter, Princess Ariya. [b]More Info:[/b] King Sardis is currently dealing with a small insurrection group known as "The Scions of the Umbral Goddess" who wish to establish an independent faction within the northern mountains. They are a fanatically religious group who if allowed would create a fundamentalist theocracy. [center][h2]Queen Niranyia Taroth[/h2][/center] [hider=Armored][img]http://s1.e-monsite.com/2009/03/29/03/4269630400726544-photo-warhammer-online-age-of-reckoning-jpg.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Normal Clothes][img]http://tor.zamimg.com/uploads/images/9881.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 45 [b]Nickname:[/b] The Ash Queen, High Priestess of Rheasa, The Oracle [b]Weapon:[/b] [hider=Staff of the Oracle][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120512233525/elderscrolls/images/thumb/d/d2/Dragonprieststaff_silver.png/250px-Dragonprieststaff_silver.png[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Niranyia is a compassionate soul who puts her people first, however she knows well the art of subterfuge and intrigue. Her love for her people and protective nature towards the realm is matched only by her willingness to do whatever is necessary to protect all she holds dear. [b]Bio:[/b] Niranyia was born in the commoner class and was the daughter of a representative. As such Niranyia had a desire to serve the people but not in the same fashion as her father. She would often venture out of the mountain and into the plainslands below in search of game to hunt, bringing them back and giving to the people for free anonymously. This earned her a reputation as "The Altruist" among the people. She kept up this persona until one day her father caught her sneaking out in the outfit of The Altruist. Her identity was revealed and her popularity among the commoners grew exponentially. On her eighteenth birthday she took the trails but unlike her father who was a representative she was assigned to scouting. It was during the first civil war she met her future husband Sardis. The two often worked together as the scouts were required to retrieve enemy intelligence. The two married after the wars end and had a child then. [h2][b]Princess Ariya[/b][/h2] [hider=Armored][img]http://www.vmir.su/uploads/posts/2013-10/1380711435_066.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Normal Clothing][img]http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/13646-1-1333154544.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Age: 28[/b] [b]Nickname:[/b] Ari [b]Weapon:[/b][Hider=Ariya's Bow][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120513000138/elderscrolls/images/c/cc/Ebonybowskinned.png[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Ariya is a rebellious girl which is not normal amongst the Nalrokar. She does not care much for tradition, the trials, even the throne. Her main concern is for her people. She hopes to end their policy of isolationism but loathes the idea of ruling. She'd much rather prefer being out of the mountains and with the rest of the world. [b]Bio:[/b] Ariya was born before the second civil war. Growing up having to watch her father leave for long periods of time made her curious of the outside world. She began to feel caged within the mountains and yearned to see what was out there. She was not the only one however, a childhood friend of hers named Sehrai also felt this way. The two girls would often sneak out to the surface and explore the nearby forests. This did not sit well with her father who once king forbade her from continuing to do so. Her mother was more lenient about it and managed to convince Sardis to let her explore. At eighteen she took the trails, despite being royalty(the royal family, specifically the children of the king and queen do not have to take the trials as it is expected of them to succeed their parents), and the results showed her capable of being a Insidiari, an Assassin in service to the crown. Her father as usual did not approve but allowed her to take on this profession until the time would come for her to take the throne. [b]Other[/b]: Ariya is not like the average Ash Elf. She was born with a rare mutation called "Rheasa's Blessing". Her eyes are,unlike most Ash Elves who have pure white eyes, black with bright blue pupils. These eyes are capable of seeing the finest details in anything be it tiny scribbles etched into a rockface or words on parchment that have long since been washed or written over. [center][h2]The Nalrokar AKA The Ash Elves[/h2][/center] Tribe description: The Nalrokar are a war loving people, one massive kingdom whose territory encompasses much of The Sentinel Mountains and smaller settlements in the nearby forests and plains. [b]Customs:[/b] [list] [*]Housing: A underground network within The Sentinel Mountains. All structures are made of stone with precious metals lining the walls of the palace. [*]Food: There are no fauna within the mountains so the Ash Elves hunt, gather, and often pillage from the surrounding forests and plainslands. As for plant life, a large variety grow within the mountains. The Nalrokar are famous for their mastery of alchemy and their potions, poultices, and healing tonics are highly sought after. That is if they are willing to trade. [*]Education: Children receive an education until the age of 18. At 18 they are given a series of tests to determine their place in society. [*]Military: Those who pass the test and are determined as soldiers are the only ones serving in the military for combat roles. If the situation requires all members of the kingdoms can be recruited into service. [*]Weaponry: Most common weapons are spears, swords, and bows. [*]Society: Very war-loving and isolationist. Not always friendly to outsiders and often hostile. [*]Politics: There are representatives of the people who present the problems of the commonfolk to the King and queen who decide on what course of action to take. The two combined share equal power over the legislature of the kingdom. [*]Leadership: A Monarchy with a King and Queen holding equal power. The King controls the military. The Queen controls the spiritual aspect of the kingdom. There is a noble class but they are not nobility in the sense they are capable of taking the throne. These nobles are individuals who have served the kingdom well and are given privileged lives in society as a reward from the King and Queen. If the current king and queen die with no child to take the throne a noble is elected king or queen by the representatives. [*]Diplomacy: Isolationist, outsiders not welcome in their territory unless given permission. Easily taking to war either for revenge or for conquest and plunder. [*]Laws: Violent crimes(Murder, Assault, etc.) are settled with Arbitration. All others are settled by a judge. [*]Punishment: When suspected of a violent crime the accused will fight to prove their innocence in "The Arbitration", their opponent is a warrior chosen by the people. Non violent crimes are given a punishment befitting the crime. [*]Religion: The Mother Goddess Rheasa, overseer of life and death. Through the manipulation of the physical world creates life, through the manipulation of the living creates death. There are multiple minor spirits who are not worshiped but are revered. [*]Religious Celebration: Festival of Life every spring, Festival of death every fall. Prayer services to the goddess every sunrise and sunset. Various other celebrations throughout the months. [/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*]The Ash Elves originate from the island of Nalrana but migrated to the mainland. The reasons why were unclear in the history books [*]Kingdoms At War [/list]