[h3]54th Exploration Fleet, Unknown System[/h3] Anton was perturbed. Surely the Tar'Lik way of communicating translated into all languages? Unknown or known? The Admiral restarted the message all over again, trying to make heads or tails of the strange tongue. To no avail, he frantically looked to the side, focusing his eyes on the Tar'Lik he told to messenger the ships. The green four legged mammal shrugged and plopped down on his chair, minding his own business. The Krieg sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. 'Why did it have to be me?' he asked to himself, letting out a frustrated huff of wind. He pressed the comms. button on the side of his command throne and brought up the 60 ship captains, generals and fighter captains under his command. He started. "Comrades, we have a problem. We are light years away from our borders and have encountered unknown alien life forms. [i]Sentient[/i] alien life forms. Being away from our home." Anton paused, letting the silence drag out and the emotion come in. "May be a struggle for some of us. But we have to stay strong. We are the first pioneers in the Democracies to begin first contact! We shall see if they are friendly or not. Prepare your men." The winked away. Anton looked out and saw an anomaly in the corner of his eye. A Flingshot portal. A deep purple radiated from the portal, looking sick and demented. To his horror, he saw as purple boarding pods flew at a percentage of light speed and crashed into his ship, the [i]Hero of the Poor[/i] and two ships in the Xenos ship. "Fucking Adolf, for fucks sake. Here we go along for a fucking first contact and that asshole just comes and fucks it up. Feels like it's going to become a bloody trend with this motherfucker" he growled and drew his signature "Death Ray", fingering the trigger. He looked around the room, the bridge crew drawing BPW's and Little Bitches. He was ready for the horde to come. Death to Corruption. That line held more meaning than it seemed. Anton heard the signature scream of Warlord Adolf's troops and the fire of SUPRIS rounds in the hallway. He positioned himself behind the command throne, charging his Death Ray up. The hardened door opened and revealed the attackers. They were a sad bunch, mutated tentacles sticking out of decayed flesh, scratched faces beyond repair. Hunger was etched in their eyes, forever moaning and groaning, starving in their own little worlds. The Admiral fired. [h3]54th Exploration Fleet, Unknown System. 30 seconds later[/h3] The Democracies ships were quick to react, sending their drone companions out, swiftly taking care of the two frigates that came from the portal, weighing them down with sustained fire. The Cruiser and Frigate packs formed a protective barrier around the capital ships as they dealt with straggling boarding pods. Inside the ships that were boarded though, it was literal hell on earth. The savages raped, murdered and looted, uncaring of the damage they did. The assholes lived for the moment, not realising the certain repercussions of pissing off the Democracies and an unknown alien race. The Two Drop Pods crashed into the alien ships, hundreds of combatants waiting for the doors to open.