[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Icon stood by and watched the scene unfold before him, and really wasn't sure what to make of the entire ordeal. The mysterious men in black mentioned a "boss" for whom they worked, but refused to elaborate further, despite Icon demanding that he give him the information about just who this person was. The men in black's demeanor told him that they were more afraid of whoever this "boss" was than they were of him. As the sounds of the police and rescue sirens came closer, Icon watched still as the two metas went to the men in black's escape vehicle, and to his surprise they had found that it was unlocked. After rummaging through the vehicle for a moment they emerged with some of their personal items that the men had taken from them. “Well,” Zac said, turning to Icon, “We probably better be getting back to Albany. But first, do you have a place where we could quickly clean up and change clothes? That fire in there really threw some ash and soot on us while we were in there. Plus I would feel more comfortable not prancing into our apartment wearing these ‘super-hero’ costumes. Maybe we could even get a quick bite to eat? I, at least, haven’t had dinner yet today. While under normal circumstances I would not ask this of you, I just don’t think people would take it so kindly if they saw a woman with the characteristics of a wasp and a man with a dinosaur tail walking around. How does that sound to you, Kelly?” the young man with the tail said in response to Icon's question regarding their plans. The girl, Kelly, seemed apprehensive about staying in Lost Haven any longer, however regardless of whether or not they stayed in the city, they needed food and to get changed. He thought for a moment about possibly inviting them back to his place, and just as quickly dismissed the idea. He knew that they weren't at fault for the events that took place here, however he couldn't jeopardize his identity by bringing them to his home. Then he remembered that he didn't have to. He knew of a woman, not much older than him who had set up a safe haven of sorts for metas and other outcasts in the city. They would be welcomed and provided with a shower and a hot meal. The the refuge maintained a low profile, he had learned about it soon after his first public appearance and paid a visit. He had been impressed with what he had seen and knew that Alice would be able to help them. [b]I do actually."[/b] Icon started. [b]"Go to the Wayward Center at 121 Paris Avenue and ask for Alice. She'll get you what you need. Tell her that I sent you.[/b]