RP News (Updated: 3/20/15): THE SECOND SPELL IS NOW AVALIABLE! All characters may now unlock and use their second spell! Every thousand years, creatures with incredible power known as "Mamodo" appear on Earth to hold a tournament to determine king of their own world. One Hundred children from the Mamodo world search the human realm to find a Human partner to aid them in the battle, for only a human can help them unlock their true power and become king of the Mamodo world. Mamodo must prevent the spell book they were given from being burnt, while attacking other Mamodos' books. If their book burns, they will return in shame to the Mamodo world. If they somehow beat the odds, and become the last Mamodo standing, they will return to their world as King of all Mamodo. Learn the Spells. Destroy or Spare your foes. The fate of the crown is now in your hands. [hr] Please fill out your character sheets and post them in the OOC forum. After the first post is made, by either [@WestwoodOmega] or [@United] in the IC, you may begin posting there (It is highly reccomended you make at least one human and one Mamodo that pair up with each other. Makes life a little easier). If your character is accepted, we'll move it to the characters tab, otherwise we'll tell you what's wrong! [hider= Rules] These are the current rules that will be used for the RP when launched. They are subject to change when needed, and will not be abused by Mods. Pinky Promise. Rules: -Mature Content is not allowed. (If you want to do that, take it to PMs.) -Language is okay, but within reason. (Use common sense people.) -If you go off with another person at one point, come back to the RP after a while. We need to keep it moving. (United hates 1x1s) -Please post more than one line. (Not everyone can be on at once so a few sentences will help prevent speed posting.) -You are not invincible, so don't RP like it. (Nor do you have infinite energy.) -If you are a Mamodo, YOUR BOOK CAN BE BURNT. Others can burn your book, and send you back to the Mamodo world if they win the battle. (Meaning they stole your book and attacked it, they do have the OPTION to let you go if they want.) -You can have 3 Active pairs at one time. (So 3 Humans and 3 Mamodo who have not lost their book) -If your book is burnt, you may make a new character pair to replace it. (Up until we near the end of the battle for the crown.) *For more on Spell Books, see the Mamodo Tab* Battles: These will, for the most part be ran by the players. If there is ever a problem, Moderators of the RP will read the battle scene and determine if someone was controlling another's character, God Modded, or any other form of unfairness. Please PM any Moderators (List can be found in the "Moderators" tab) or just comment in the OOC. [/hider] [hider= Moderator's Promise to You!] The moderators will not abuse their power. There is more than one of us so we can keep each other in check. For the battles, we will make fair decisions if our help is needed. If you ever have a problem that you need us to fix, either PM any of us, or comment in the OOC forum and we'll help you ASAP! A full list of Moderators can be found in the "Moderators" tab. [/hider] [hider= Moderators] -Co-Owner: [@WestwoodOmega] -Co-Owner: [@United] - - [WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR ANY MODERATORS AT THIS TIME, WHEN THE RP TAKES OFF THEN WE WILL BEGIN LOOKING FOR HELP.] *Want to be a Mod? PM either United or Westwood and we'll interview you if we're looking for one!* [/hider] [hider= Mamodo Characters] [hider= Character Sheet] Name: Age: Appearance (Description or Picture): Personality (Optional): Spell Theme: Spell List: (This is easier to read if this is in a hider. Curently you need 1 out of 12 spells to join RP. The spells tab will have hider code for you to use.) Color of Book (Optional): Human Partner: [/hider] [hider= A Mamodo's Book] What is a Mamodo without their spell book? The only way you will get anywhere in this competition is by using the spells inside. You will start out with one spell, and through "Personal Growth" (We're just using a calandar... I know. We're lame.) you will gain new spells. -Your book can only be read by one human, that also means they are the only one that can cast your spells! -Once your book is burnt, you lose your claim to the crown and return to the Mamodo world. -The book is your lifeline, so protect your human at all costs! -Are you a Mamodo without a partner? You better find one! In the human world you can't cast spells by yourself! [/hider] [hider= No Partner Start] If you would like, you have the option to wait for another person to create a human without a partner. This isn't reccomended, but it's avaliable to you anyways! Just keep in mind you can not cast spells without your human companion. [/hider] [/hider] [hider= Spells] [hider= Spell Themes] Spell themes are what all of your spells will revolve around. For example: Zatch's spells are all based on lightning and electricity. You can make any spell so long as it sticks to that theme. (Note, spells should get more powerful as you unlock them. So the 1st should be the weakest, and 12th should be the strongest. [/hider] [hider= Spell List] This is part of the Mamodo character sheet that you will need to keep updating as you go. At first, you will only need to have one or two spells (That includes what it does and what it's called) but as new spells are unlocked you will need to add more. The code below can be used to create that list. [noparse] [hider= Spell List] Example- "Zaker", Lightning Ball Attack. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. [/hider] [/noparse] [/hider] [hider= Spell Unlocks] Just to make unlocking spells easy, we're going to work off a calendar for unlocks. After so much time after launch, you will be able to power your Mamodo up with a new spell. These are subject to change depending on RP activity. [b]1st:[/b]RP Launch [b]2nd:[/b]2 days [b]3rd:[/b]1 Week [b]4th:[/b]2 Weeks [b]5th:[/b]1 Month [b]6th[/b]1 Month, 2 Weeks [b]7th:[/b]2 Months [b]8th:[/b]3 Months [b]9th:[/b]5 Months [b]10th:[/b]7 Months [b]11th:[/b]10 Months [b]12th:[/b]1 Year [/hider] [hider= Spell Types] Below are other kinds of spells that Mamodo use. It is up to you however to choose what spells you use! -Attack Spells: Harms an Opponent or causes some form of damage. (Ex: Zatch- "Zaker", Lighting Bolt) -Defense Spells: Protects the user from harm, but can be broken by strong attacks. (Ex: Zatch- "Rashield", Electric Shield. Can reflect attacks.) -Assistance Spells: Boosts the user or another in some way. Usually health, speed, strength, etc. (Ex: Tia- "Saifogeo", Sword that heals whomever it hits) -Immobilization Spells: Prevents a target from moving/attacking. Weaker on targets with more strength, endurance, or will power. (Ex: Brago- "Gravirei", Uses Gravity to hold target to the ground) -Transformation Spells: Transforms the user in some way. (Ex: Kanchome- "Poruk", Changes into any object/person, but with minor physical errors.) -Illusionary or Trickery Spells: Fools the opponent into doing something, believing something, etc. (Ex: Kanchome- "Dikaporuk", Creates a giant projection of user. Fools opponent into believing they are giant.) [/hider] [/hider] [hider= Humans] [hider= Character Sheet] -Name: -Age: -Appearance (Description or Picture): -Personality (Optional): -Mamodo Partner: [/hider] [hider= Fighting with your Mamodo] A Mamodo can not become king all on their own, they will need human partners so they can use and learn new spells. -You are the only one who can read the book, and the only one who can cast the spells from it. -Each spell will drain you of energy. More powerful spells will use up more energy at once, so try and plan some attacks. -If your book is burnt, you will not be able to save it. Once it is on fire, the mamodo will soon return to the Mamodo world. -After having your book burnt, you can not find another book to read. Only 1 book for each human. [/hider] [hider= No Partner Start] This option is really not reccomended, but if you would like to create a human character that has not met their Mamodo yet, then you can! You will either have to create a Mamodo for them, team up with another person's Mamodo whom doesn't have a partner yet, or just be a fun little side character. (Like Suzy. You know... the crazy one who draws on fruit... Not even kidding.) [/hider] [/hider] [hider= Mamodo World Items] (For those who are curious and know what Zatch Bell is...) The Magic Mirror: This power boosting object may still be somewhere in the Human world. The three pieces may still be scattered somewhere on Earth, but only as the battle progresses will the pieces reveal themselves... Stone Tablets (Ancient Mamodo): Due to these tablets being completely and totally over powered, only the Creators will release them when the time is right. Most likely these will be used by both good and bad sides (If these sides form at all), but not for a while. For now, the tablets can not be found. [/hider]