Alver listened to the Amy's and Aaron's words, humming a little thoughtfully, though he did raise a white eyebrow at the male blonde. Obviously not understanding the referance. Alver had never seen a movie, nor really anything to do with television. So he didn't get a lot of movie references. But at the 'Boo Radley' comment, he actually let out a soft chuckle in amusement. Mhmm not a bad comparison if one thought about it really. [color=plum]"Alright then. My name is Alver Starlis. Scary man of the town."[/color] he joked before getting off the ride and looking around. [color=plum]".....I do not have much experience in... Festivities."[/color] He admited as he tried to think of things people usually did at carnivals in books.