Well, summer break had been pretty boring, one way or the other. It had gone in a flash. More because he had nothing to do. Still, Touji had some things to do over the summer break, so it wasn't all that boring... if he had liked games as much as other people did, that is. However, his passion for games was really low, and more the kind of games his friend lent him, since most of them were dating simulators. It was the oddest thing ever. He got why people would want to play fighting games, shooter games, many other kinds of games, but daring simulators? They should go out and get some friends already, instead of holing up and drooling over girls inside a screen. [color=6ecff6]"Chiyo-chan..."[/color] He said, holding tightly against him a figurine of a girl. The fact that he thought they were games for losers hadn't, however, given him any reason as to why he shouldn't officially declare one of the game's girls as his first 'waifu'. He somehow understood nerds and otakus a bit more now, definitely so. He still wouldn't start watching anime and whatnot just because of that, of course. [color=6ecff6]"I should really go out today. Besides, my stomach is grumbling like crazy now."[/color] His stomach grumbled like it was some kind of monster caged inside his stomach. [color=6ecff6]"And I just ate 30 minutes ago... What the hell..."[/color] He stood up, put on his jacket and set out from his small time apartment. He was now about to go to his favorite restaurant. Still, he also had class. Now, what should he do? Last night he pulled an all nighter, finishing the route of the only character he actually liked from the game he borrowed from his friend. [color=6ecff6]"Crap, I don't feel good. Maybe I should skip school. Is there even school today? It'd be a dream that today was actually saturday or something. I just want to go back to my bed and dream about Chiyo-chan..."[/color] His tired frown soon became an expression filled with bliss, while he thought about the fictional character from the game, before shaking his head. [color=6ecff6]"Crap, I need to stop thinking about that, or I might really become an otaku."[/color] After clearing his head from those thoughts, he finally set off for his favorite restaurant. The only restaurant in the city where he could eat so much until he got satisfied and for a very low price. While he walked, a cat like smile could be seen in his face.