[h3][u]Kam Haennon, Hokksulgug[/u][/h3] The once-white slate of the floor had turned a deep red, as ichor pooled below the trio of Sibyttes. Their bodies were suspended in place by naught but unnatural sorcery, like floating messiahs. Whole sections of flesh were missing from their joints - arms stripped of their midsections exposed the bare bone which connected wrists to elbows. Sections of legs had been hacked away, giving them an appearance of meaty kebabs. Elaborate patterns of long needles dotted their way up and down the flesh. If not for the wizardry keeping them alive, the abuse that had been wrought on their flesh would have long since taken them. These prisoners were not allowed to die, not just yet. Below them, the slender form of Zhoujan Myun slid off his gloves, admiring the artistry with which he'd crafted these souls into. As Kam Haennon's dungeonmaster, it fell to Myun to extract information from Hokksulgug's enemies. It made no difference how that information was acquired; Myun exercised a great deal of creativity in doing so. Behind him, the chamber's door swung open, revealing Hokksulgug's Daekuan, Sung Yaewoon IV. His figure, clad in a robe of nearly-midnight purple, was flanked by Taegum Il-Soon, captain of the royal guard and a close friend. "My Lord!" the interrogator exclaimed, turning on his heel and offering a bow of the waist. "Useless! Every one of them is useless!" He rose a talon towards the stringless marionettes above. "None of them have spat anything of value, and the sorcery is weakening. Our own informants have been much more valuable in Otnemarcasan matters. I was just preparing to finish my work." The Daekuang's eyes bounced from prisoner to prisoner, before returning to Myun's gaze. "And you're sure your techniques gave them ample time to speak?" "Eh, I, most certainly! But even with what I know of the Siphonese language, much of their babbling is lost on me." "Is that so?" Yaewoon stepped forward, coming within arm's reach of the closest prisoner. His hand reached for a blade on Myun's table, and with a glint of steel, thrust it into the captive's mouth. Muffled screams pierced the chamber and the Daekuang withdrew a bloody hand, popping the tongue into his mouth. He chewed the fleshy appendage for a moment, then his eyes swung back, gleaming white, and a primal incantation escaped his lips. The sorcery took hold, and as soon as it had began, the Hokksulgugae returned to his former state. "You, there," he said, in perfect Siphonese. "You are going to cooperate with me. What were you doing in Hokksulgugae waters?" The next prisoner turned his head weakly, eyes fluttering as Myun's sorcery struggled to sustain him. "We... We... Princesses! We were part... of their fleet. Escort... Out of Imperial waters. Then... followed ships to Hokksulgug... Didn't know how far... we were." "Where were the Princesses headed?" "Don't know... We weren't told..." "But you know [i]something[/i], don't you?" "Heard rumors... Justinian Patrimony... That's all. Please-" The prisoner hacked a gurgling cough and his head slumped. "Magic's just about run it's course," explained Myun. "They'll pass on any moment. Did you get anything useful out of him?" Yaewoon relaxed his body, rubbing his temple with a free hand. "They believe the Sibytte Princesses sailed for the Justinian Patrimony," he recounted. "The vessels we intercepted were among those that saw her on her way, but these dogs weren't informed anything else. If this is true, then they probably mean to solicit aid for their war." "We should act before they get a solid footing," the dirge of Il-Soon's voice rasped. "If the Sibyttes win, we'll have to deal with Justinians on our doorstep." The Daekuang turned away from the dungeonmaster and his work. "I will assemble the Houses tonight. I want the Host on alert." He gave a nod to Myun, exiting the chamber in a brisk march, with Il-Soon in tow.