[b]Engine room[/b] So she was right he was a solder, she still did not know from where. Just because a person talked in an accent it did not mean they currently lived there. She was just going to have to wait until he gave some sort of clue where he lived. She was a little surprised that to hear that he was also an amateur artist. For some reason she did not think that someone in the military would be into anything like that. Then again she did not know anyone in the military. “Well my book The Reaper's Lie is on the New York Times Best Sellers list right now. That would be the one I am most known for. It's being sold in many countries right now so it should be available in any book store.” She personally did not think she was that well off. She had been careful about spending her money. Her second book was not out yet and she did not want to risk not having money if it did not turn out as good as the first. “It makes enough to get by. I really don't want to go back to school to be an accountant. Being at a desk all day is not the life for me. I'd rather go to a park and wrist a novel any day.” She took a look back at the two sleeping members. She wanted to make sure that they were okay when they got up. If they were anything like her they would start thinking the worst right away. The last thing she needed was a fight occurring and someone getting injured. She doubted the room had a first aid kit anywhere. So when she saw that there was one sleeping body she looked around. She saw the girl on the other side of the room. She was hold something that she could use as a weapon. “Hey put that down. You're going to get your clothes dirty. I've already tried the door, it's locked.” She then pointed to the horn. “We're waiting to hear a response for the speaker here. Maybe someone can come and let us out.” She hoped that was enough to get her to drop the weapon and come join the group, she doubted it. She barely trusted these guys, but right now this was the best opportunity to get out of this place. Or at least find something to eat.