[@Raijinslayer] [color=0072bc]"Make sure to have lots of blue paint, then. Nude posing will cost you extra, though."[/color] Kae said, with a small smile in her face all the while. They were nearing the classroom, so it'd be better if they wrapped up the conversation soon. [color=0072bc]"It's still rude calling your teacher 'unique' and 'interesting'. It makes me feel like some kind of laboratory rat that needs to be observed. I've never liked the kind of play that reverses the roles."[/color] As she continued walking and heard Akira's reason to become a mage, Kae couldn't help but giggle a bit. [color=0072bc]"To protect, huh? That's a new one right there. People search for magic for a lot of other reasons. Simply more power to fulfill their ambitions, wanting to distort reality to their whims, raise the death, or mere research, like me. Few are the people that want to protect with such an irrational power. Keep that desire close to your heart, keep it from being corrupted."[/color] She simply said to him, while walking. Then there was that about his problem. [color=0072bc]"As long as it can help you and not cause you more problems, I think we can work something out."[/color] Finally having arrived to the classroom, Kae opened up the door and went in, heading towards the teacher's table. Once she arrived, she set her books down and put her scythe leaning against the blackboard. [color=0072bc]"All right, pipe down boys. Class is starting. For all of you, dear little espers, today's lesson will be just bliss. Magic theories."[/color] Even though she wanted to sound excited, that came out as monotone as monotone can be. [color=0072bc]"Also, be ready to be carried to the infirmary. Not everyone can withstand the use of magic that well."[/color] There were some that looked at her with fear. She let out a snicker. [color=0072bc]"Joking, of course. I will not let any of you die. Probably. Now, since this our first class, why don't we get on with some introductions?"[/color]