Kanako was late, and not just a little bit, either: it was almost nine o'clock, and she had entirely missed first period. As she struggled to climb over the locked school gate in a skirt, she briefly wished she could control her powers well enough to actually phase through the gate without leaving her clothes and dignity behind. Then she lost her balance for a one short and terrifying moment, and reminded herself to actually [i]concentrate[/i] on the task at hand. It was a good thing that not many people were [i]this[/i] late to class, because if anyone had been around, she would almost definitely have flashed them. As it was, she got over the gate minimally embarrassed, and started sprinting to class. By the time she actually made it to her second period classroom, she was red in the face with exertion and trying not to pant too loudly. The teacher --a stern-looking elderly man with an incredibly bristly moustache-- gave her a rather unimpressed stare. He had been her homeroom teacher last year as well, actually. Kanako winced. [color=f49ac2]"Sorry I'm late, sir,"[/color] she mumbled, fidgeting. Was Touji in her class this year? She didn't see him, but maybe he was skipping. He sighed. "Go sit down, Sakihara." She nodded meekly and made her way to one of the unoccupied seats near the back, wondering if it was worth risking her teacher's ire to text one of her friends. Math class was so [i]boring[/i], after all! She quietly withdrew her phone from her bag. [color=f49ac2]To: Mizutani Touji From: Kanako MESSAGE: are you at school today???? or just not in my class??? hellooooo????[/color] [center]--------------------------[/center] Allen sat in class and did his best to focus, but he kept getting distracted by the boy sitting next to him, who was currently engaged in a rather dramatic text exchange with his girlfriend. She seemed to be accusing him of cheating on her with some other girl. "Mr… uh… you there. With the black hair and the glasses," said the teacher. Allen looked up. [i]Him?[/i] Sure enough, the teacher seemed to be pointing at him. "Are you new this year? Come up and predict the products of this alchemical formula for us." On the board was a rather easy alchemical formula. Davies' School of Magecraft did not, after all, specialise in alchemy, so students only really had to learn the basics. [color=82ca9d]"Yes, Mrs. Inoue,"[/color] he said, standing up dutifully. [color=82ca9d]"I'm not new this year, though. I've been in your class for the last two years, actually."[/color] A few people snickered. Mrs. Inoue blinked. "I see," she said at last. Allen sighed. Whatever. He was used to this sort of thing.