Taro yawned and stretched, somewhat tired and more than a little bored. He stood behind stage curtain in the Auditorium hall of St Sebastian’s knight school, watching the others prepare for the new student’s introduction. His part was already done, and he had little else to do. He watched others rush around, preparing everything for the welcoming speech. He sighed and brushed some dirt off of his white uniform, not quite as white and pristine as the uniforms of the other students. He looked around, looking for something to distract himself. He saw another student, glaring at him under the weight of a speaker, being carried by 2 people. He would’ve liked to help, but there wasn’t enough room for a third person. He offered a lazy wave as he sat on his collapsible chair, idle. [b]“You there!”[/b] One of the students managing the preparations said. [b]“Why are you just sitting around? Go and make yourself busy!”[/b] [color=7bcdc8]"I’m just here today to look pretty, you know."[/color] Taro said casually. He tapped his badge, a golden brooch with a bow and arrow design, which singled him out as the marksman representative. [color=7bcdc8]"And I don’t see those guys doing anything."[/color] He said, waving his hand dismissively at the other representatives sitting next to him. The representatives of St Sebastian were the best members of their respective divisions. There was Tactics and management, close quarters combat and marksmanship divisions. The students of each divisions didn’t necessarily have to stick to their department, it was more of a general ‘group’ thing with several sub groups that branched into other departments. For example, the stealth section was a branch of tactics and management, but took teachings from close quarters and marksmanship groups. The representative of tactics and management was some golden-haired, blue eyed, multi-lingual pretty boy (A third year) who headed the student council president. The representative of the close quarters combat was some burly, black haired muscly dude (who Taro could hardly believe was a teenager, though he’s in 3rd year so maybe that was something) and the representative of the marksmanship department was obviously Taro (who was a second year). [b]”But-”[/b] The management student said. [color=7bcdc8]"Look."[/color] Taro sighed. [color=7bcdc8]"If you have any complaints, you can take it up with the principal. He’s just over there, anyway."[/color] The boy spluttered, stopped and walked away, clearly annoyed. Taro looked over to the principal, a big man with an awesome beard, and silently thanked the principal for being so imposing. See, other than just having a fantastic beard, the man was huge. The principal was about as tall as a basketball player and twice as thick. He also had a reputation for being a super serious guy, who expelled people at the drop of a hat. Taro found him to be a chill guy, or at least that’s what he was like when Taro met him for the first time. Taro had met him when he was given his scholarship, and they’d talked about why he’d got it. Turns out that St Sebastian’s were trying to overhaul their marksmanship programs, but no one went in it. So it was up to Taro to bring their ranged potential up! [color=7bcdc8][i]"And that’s the grand story of how I got stuck here an hour earlier than usual, waiting to do something I don’t particularly want to do."[/i][/color] Taro thought, idly picking at his clothes. He wasn’t really here to say anything, and he wasn’t required to do anything in particular. He just had to show his face to all the hopefuls, maybe smile a bit and wave or something. Taro yawned, wondering when it would begin. There was a rush of voices and the curtains were slowly drawn back. Taro stood up straight, only to be hit in the face with a ray of morning sunshine as the curtains revealed the crowd of students in front of him. There was a large variety of faces, some dead serious and some less so. Some of the student’s expressions turned slightly wary as they took in the sight of the large principal. Taro sighed quietly to himself. Another batch of serious and arrogant slightly-better-off-than-normal spoiled children, sent into the frontline of academic warfare in the hopes of achieving excellence. Even if his division was the smallest, he’d have to deal with another batch of snooty teenagers and arrogant idiots. [color=7bcdc8][i]"This’ll probably be a long day…"[/i][/color] Taro thought as the principal started his introductions. He sat with his chin on his fist, to look like he was being attentive. He let his mind wander as the principal began what Taro liked to call the “You won’t come out of this alive” speech. He stared at the distant horizon, the trees and pretty much anywhere else. The sky was relatively clear, and the sun was warm. A cool breeze swept through the grounds as the principal sent chills down the spines of the new students. [color=7bcdc8][i]"Oh look, a dog."[/i][/color] Taro thought idly. He yawned as the students practically shuddered in their seats. [color=7bcdc8][i]"I think I have the evening shift today…"[/i][/color] He thought as his thoughts spiralled into the clouds.