Yuuki closed her eyes and nodded. ''My parents also died because of me..'' she simply said. ''They were angels or so my mother though my father was. She fell in love with him and when she found out that he wasn't one, she killed him and turned into a demon herself while she was pregnant from me.. I should have been a angel but now I am a demon, cursed with two different eyes.. A angel blue one and a Demon red one'' she said. Knowing he wouldn't care about the story but she just liked to remind herself of it. When he got so close she moves a little to the back of her throne. ''I wouldn't know if I will like that more than raising the children you sure are gonna give me'' she said and looked at his lips and then straight into his eyes. ''But I do know that I have always loved children.. My people always came to show the new baby's they had made for a blessing'' she said and smiled some. ''But that also are things you probably don't care about'' she said and looked at his lips again for a moment, she knew he would kiss her sooner or later so she decided to be bolt for once more and moves forward, placing her lips against his. Finding out his lips where way softer than the words he spoke and so she let herself close her eyes and only think of his soft lips and forget about his plans and the painful words he said.