Name: Ilvel Dalvilu Race: Dunmer Age: 35 Gender: Male Appearance: Short and thin with a bald head and a whipped back. Has the hand of the Tribunal tattooed on the left side of his chest. Personality: Untrusting and egocentric. Slavery has taught Ilvel to fend only for himself, as attempts at altruism have been rewarded with betrayal, scorn or whippings. He still craves company, but has a hard time being nice to other people. Background: Ilvel grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. His parents were simple netch farmers, and Ilvel would’ve been too is it hadn’t been for a gang of slaving bandits. They burned his farm, shattered his dreams and sold him into slavery in a town far from home. The young Dunmer has been a slave for 20 years now and has given up all hope of escape. Abilities: The only skill Ilvel has picked up during his years as a slave is pickpocketing. He’s got really deft hands and use them to get a little extra food every now and then.