[center] [hr] [h2]–§–[/h2] [i]The last thing you remember was a darkness falling over your eyes. You awaken in a strange place, shaded halls as cold as bone. You question not the nature of this world, and you hear not but distant cries. You wander for days in this wretched land, frightened, and seemingly alone.[/i] [h2]–§–[/h2][/center] [hr] I find myself with a hankering for something... [i]powerful.[/i] Somewhere between a run-of-the-mill fantasy adventure and something a whole lot darker. I want to saturate an adventure with simplicity, where the tension and and interactions are the sole merits of the roleplay; no fancy gimmicks or stat tables or extravagant, intricate plotlines. I propose to you prospective players: The Promise of Transience. Without explanation, you have woken in a world different to your own. Your eyes take a few moments to adjust to the darkness, and you can feel stone underfoot. You have no memory of how or why you are here; you struggle to remember anything more than fleeting, ephemeral memories or the world you came from. You cannot even remember your name. After days of feeling your way through the endless stone corridors, it becomes apparent to you that things lurk here in the darkness, things more terrifying than you dare to imagine. You can sometimes hear mischievous cackling from the walls if you listen closely, and if you are truly unlucky then you will be subject to the monstrous screams of some eldritch horror lurking in the perpetual shadow. You have little to defend yourself with save for your mundane sword and shield, or your bow and quiver of arrows, so you stick to the darkest, smallest corridors of this maze and hope that nothing comes for you. If you are truly unlucky, you have already been killed, only to wake to once again the sudden and frightful realisation that there is no death in this realm, only pain and repetition. You hope that another weary soul wanders these hallways, so that you may chance your way to figuring out what sordid and empty world you have found yourself in, and maybe even figuring out a way home. [center]---[/center] So far, what I have figured out in terms of the way this RP will play as as such: -You have no real name, only what you refer to yourself as. -You have no history. You simply do not remember. Instead, you have a set of fleeting memories that will serve as your connection to the world you came from. As you dwell in this world, these memories may fade, or they may begin to connect. -You are mundane, and you are terrified. This is no standard fantasy world full of goblins and trolls and other not-so-horrifying horrors. There are things in the night that are simply too fearsome to face. -Finding another person is going to be a big deal, you have been alone and shi**ing yourself for days, months, or even years. You are not going to be instant friends. Fact. When the whole group gets together, well, damn. It should be dynamic and somewhat disturbing. This is a roleplay about people who have essentially been crapped out by the world and plunged into the most inhospitable and fearsome place there is. I don't know. Who is interested in something like this? :)