[center]APPEARENCE: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jn2my4EP-c8/TdAM9_qP7OI/AAAAAAAAACg/S_oAOwL0EJc/s1600/MarthaJones.jpg [/img] [/hider] NAME: Kitra Blackwell AGE: 23 HERITAGE: Half-blood (Father's a muggleborn, mother's a pureblood) HOUSE: Slytherin PERSONALITY: Kitra comes off as very calm and patient; she’s occasionally rude but it’s usually accidental. It’s hard to get her mad and even if you do get her mad, she tries to calm herself down and not take it out and others. She’s often lazy wishing things would come to her easily but when she sets her mind to something she gets it done efficiently. She has a good sense of humor and is fiercely loyal but only to people she deems worthy. She’s sometimes comes off as flighty with her opinions but really she’s just willing to alter her opinions based on the facts. She tries very hard not to be judgmental of others. She seems a little shy at first but once she knows someone she becomes more outgoing. She considers herself to be very independent and very rarely allows others to influence her decisions though she is willing to hear everyone out. She doesn't trust easily and tends to keep up walls that very few people get through. She tries to be considerate of others emotions but if you ask her a question, even a sensitive one, she usually answers it bluntly, believing if you ask the question you should be prepared for the answer. History: Her father is an American wizard who was visiting London when he met and fell in love with her mother. They married within a year and even though her mother's family did not approve of a muggle born wizard they never disowned her because she was their only child. Her mother’s parents reluctantly Kitra despite her “dirty” blood knowing that the girl will one day be the head of their family. When Kitra was two years old and the war was officially starting to begin her mother and father made the decision to go to America, knowing that they would be a target for being a “blood traitor” and “mudblood.” By the time the war was over her mother had grown very fond of both America and her husband’s parents so she never mentioned returning to Britain. She did however make it quite clear that she wanted her child to go to Hogwarts. Kitra was 8 when her parents began to teach her about magic. She was a very fast learner and quickly grasped the theory but she was always a bit lazy so she very rarely took the initiative to learn something unless she was deeply interested. About a year after she began learning magic her mom added the dark arts and blood magic to her training. She made it very clear that while the dark arts are not evil, some people would refuse to see that and others would abuse the arts. While Kitra grew up in a loving and open minded home she was always conscience of the world and not very trusting of it. She became more cynical of the world when she started at Hogwarts and was immediately declared a dark witch for being sorted into Slytherin. She got through Hogwarts with minimum issue, few friends, and good enough grades. FAMILAR: Cat named Artemis [hider=My Hider] [img]http://media.catmoji.com/post/vgon/i-love-black-cats.jpg[/img] [/hider] WAND: 13in spruce with dragon heartstring core, surprisingly swishy PATRONUS: Fox [hider=My Hider] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/080/e/d/fox_patronus_by_aeviann-d7b1hyy.png[/img] [/hider] SPECIAL STUFF: Kitra does not consider herself a light or dark witch. She believes that magic is a tool to use and its how she uses it that matters. She considers herself pretty adept at the dark arts though she is by no means an expert. Most of what she knows she learned from her mother. [/center]