Ray as confused by the Esper's question. What satisfaction would the young man derive from knowing how long Ray could fly. He raised and eyebrow and laughed. "For as long as my Mana lasts, so for a while, but I don't utilize that ability much." He said as he wiped a tear from his eye. [i]Maybe he wishes to fight against you, compare his strengths to yours.[/i] "He would lose, without a doubt." He said sternly in his head. " Espers usually don't train there bodies, which would mean my physical prowess and Spell diversity would blown him out of the water." He said to his conscious. [i]Don't underestimate your opponents, ever.[/i] Ray sighed, he could never with these arguments. Ray ignored to ghostly presence that plauged that student he was conversing with and turned to Luna. [i]There could be a logical explanation to this anomaly.[/i] Ray ignored his conscious and focused on Luna. "Oh, well, hope your report turns out to be a good one." He said scratching the back of his head. He actually prayed that her report was good, it would have been logical to believe that he would be the one to blame is the school got a bad review, as he was the Vice President. [i]Calm down. You'll do fine.[/i] "I'm sure your right." He mumbled to himself. Before Ray could say something else the girl was already about to leave. Ray raised an eyebrow and watched her was she ran away, he had to wonder why she was so late. [i]It's illogical to be late, that many times. She is going to have a hard time doing her job.[/i] Ray agreed with his conscious, if this girl was to do her job, she was going to have to find away to fix her problem. "Crap." Ray mumbled when the teacher finally walked in. He silently went back to his seat and listened to the blue lady make her joke and ask for everyone to introduce themselves. Ray payed special attention to Absolute Zero's intouduction. Ray was enjoying hearing about her until she striped as she talked. Ray's eye widened and his face wet red, as lovely as the show was, Ray had never seen a woman without a shirt on. Ray barely noticed the room getting cold, although he probably wouldn't have felt it anyway. After that incident and some more introductions, Ray decided to introduce himself. Ray stood up straight and looked at the teacher and class. "My name is Zentaro Ray, also know as Ray-Ray. I am the Vice President and a Magician." He said sternly before taking his seat once again. [i]To much information.[/i]