BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEP- Eri had apparently overslept this day, but, she hit the "snooze" button. A couple minutes later... BEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEP- snooze. snoozenoznosnonornoznenoznoasnonsoekzdl- BEEP. Now, she's awake. She spots the time, and notices that it's like 9 am, and that she's late for school today. See, Eri remembered the date that school is open again, and she also remembers that she needs to take a shower, get dressed, brush her teeth, get her things ready for school, and get to school in a short amount of time, as she's missed first period already. After she had gotten her things ready, she also had to climb the gate, and she then began going to class, which was Science, because homeroom is obviously the worst period. She sped into the room, and opened the door, panting. Her Science teacher looked at her with a very disappointed face. But, she just walked silently to the back of the class and took her seat. She hadn't listened to much of the lecture, as she couldn't hear much at the back of the class, so she just waited for the bell to ring so they could go to third period. So she waited... and waited... and waited... and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited... and then she waited some more.