[center] [i]"Took long enough..."[/i] [/center] London. Not exactly the place he wanted to be. Huge, full of hurried, bustling people, wizards and muggles alike. Bad reputation was all he had, and he didn't need his lure to be thrown even further into the lake of police watch. He'd just gotten away with a few small crimes, petty theft. Actually, he did so on his way to his destination. Jackson noticed a man alongside the street. The man had a small table set up just outside a coffee shop. He could see that the magician was waving his hands about the table, just above a deck of cards. Jackson moved closer, taking quick notice of the valuables on the magician. A watch, a small pendent on his neck, and some sort of chain lying alongside his shorts. With a quick smirk, Jackson swooped in and out, each piece of jewelry now inside his pockets. He noticed that the pendent was just some kind of rock tied to a string. [i]"I suppose I'll just have to get this one checked out..." he muttered.[/i] ------------------------------ Jackson stood in front of a small bar. The Golden Pelican. He started forward, but hesitated. Looking down at his clothes, he sighed. He wore a dark leather coat, gloves, and sunglasses. [i]totally[/i] not suspicious. Hesitating one last time, he moved forward, pushing the door open. It felt fairly cozy. Not a feeling he was familiar with, nor one that he wanted to be familiar with. He pushed past a small group of people chatting, and moved to the bar. He noticed a few other people speaking. Not sure whether or not they were to be trusted, he minded his own business. Instead, he pulled over a stool and sat down. His hand fell heavy onto the bar. [i]"How much for a drink 'round here?"[/i] he asked, his voice deep and gravelly. He wore a scowl, though it was hardly visible behind his sunglasses.