"Again, people, I'm gonna let Eli explain everything. All I know is that SOMEONE is good at observing their surroundings." Henry said motioning with his hands and a smile on his face, and then clapped his hands together. "Very good, no spoilers by me though... But uh, nice to meet you all." "And SOMEONE doesnt know what a joke is." Miriam interjected, her eyes narrowing at Lenora. Was this girl for real? Henry cleared his throat, and jumped a little when Bobby was in front of him, but quickly realizing he was friendly, Henry shook his hand. Miriam looked up to Bobby with a furrowed eyebrow at first, intent on being resilient, but signed and reached a shaky hand up to meet his. "To uh, answer your question, I dont turn into a werewolf. I uh... well I guess you all will see that if you go REM. You might've seen me around though. I apologize if I ever chased you." Henry said, giving an awkward laugh. Oh hell he would have a lot of explaining to do if they saw his REM form and had seen him before, ravaging the wildlife population. He listened momentarily to the other's conversation. "I feel bad for you guys. Your REM's seem boring as hell. But lightning man, you're on track. We have a terrible trio of creatures we have to deal with and each of us come from one of those places. He looked over to Malcom. "Everyone keeps asking, so I'll say it. I turn into a ten ton, two story tall, fire breathing monster that looks like a cross between King Kong and a Tyrannosaurus Rex with the resilience of a tank and rhinoceros and strength of the incredible Hulk scaled up to the size of an elephant." he said, crossing his arms. He looked over to Jared, and shrugged. "Hey man, dont feel too bad. You're not having to constantly kill things to quell a hunger that never goes away. You can actually control yourself pretty well."