The worst nightmare of the restaurant had just arrived and was looking at the owners with a mocking smirk and confident eyes, while the owners cried their eyes out. Touji was definitely NOT the kind of guy you want in your restaurant, even less if it is a buffet restaurant. The original focus of a buffet restaurant is, as told to him by his father, to serve businessman who come in waves but only eat a little bit due to their tight schedule. And their worst nightmare? Families, who eat a lot AND also leave a lot, that which they couldn't eat. And their most recent nightmare, known only to this restaurant in particular, the only one near Touji's apartment, a boy who could actually eat ALL of the buffet alone. It was pure hatred that came from the owners' bodies. Digging in happily and without a worry in the world, in Touji's mind, it was definitely sunday, or saturday, perhaps friday, no that would get him in troubke, let's leave it at saturday. It was pure bliss, the thought of being able to eat all he wanted and then going back to sleep to dream with a fictional character he had become infatuated with. Now, if he only had a friend to share his bliss with.... He had not checked his phone out of fear of shattering the fantasy he made in his own head, but he took it out just to send a text message. He slurped a whole serving of pasta before getting on with that, and then pushed the power button of his smartphone. He almost spitted out the food inside his mouth. [color=6ecff6]"What the hell!? There was class?!"[/Color] Searching through his photos to check on his class, he finally found what he was searching for. He finished the serving of soup, the hamburger, a serving of spicy 'frijoles' from Mexico, a pair of tacos and his drink using his super speed, before leaving the plates clean and shouting. [color=6ecff6]"Thanks for the food! See ya, idiots!"[/color] Touji left some money, what he knew was enough to cover for his food, and then left. He didn't quite use his power, only in critical situations, like this. The owners sighed with relief after seeing him go. In the blink of an eye, Touji was already on the frame of his classroom, with a tardy arrival, but at the very least, he was there. He gasped for air. [color=6ecff6]"Teach... I'm here.... Sorry... I'm late... for my first day."[/color] He said between gasps. The teacher did NOT look happy. With a simple motion head, he told Touji to go in. [color=6ecff6][I]'He hates me, he totally does. Argh, why... Now he isn't gonna leave me alone.'[/I][/CENTER] ITouji stepped into the room, looking tired and sleepy. He didn't even have his backpack with himself. He'd go get it later. He approached Kanako and sat beside her, while he tried to regain his breath. [color=6ecff6]"What's.... up? Kanako..."[/color] He continued saying between gasps, before taking a deep breath and finally getting his soul back into his body. [color=6ecff6]"We were in the same classroom after all, blockhead."[/color] He greeted his friend.