[@ScarlettWaters16] [h1][color=LimeGreen]Nora And/Or Bobby[/color][/h1] "There doesn't seem to be any medicine available," Nora answered the newcomer. "I found some flatware, but not much else." She patted the pocket of her black scrubs. Bobby's smile widened a fraction. He flicked his eyes up and down, assessing the young woman who had excitedly asked him about his dreams. "Hi, Jazz," he said. "I don't know what to call the thing I turn into. Did you ever see that documentary series, Monsters of the Eocene? It kinda looks like one of the one from the Asia episode. I can't remember what they called it, I think it had a dude's name in it?" He listened politely to the rest of the conversation, until Henry explained what his other form looked like. "Hell, that was you? I had to run away from you four damn times. Not cool, man."