Today was not going to be a good one.... The whole ride over to the infamous "Academy City", Aya had been stuck rooming with a preppy, hyper-active, all rainbows and sunshine girl from the United States. The trip by sea could not have been more uncomfortable, with two storms that, while Aya would have no complaints, her roommate seem to think otherwise, constantly freaking out at the slightest change in the ship's angle, or at the sound of thunder. The food had been generally terrible, and once again she had this young, retarded child latched onto her the whole time. From equipment maintenance to literally showering, Aya could not shake her. This was the sleep deprived, annoyed beyond belief Aya that stepped off that boat on such a sunny, bright day. She squinted at the daylight, her exhausted eyes trying to adjust to the harsh light. She felt a tap on her shoulder. It was the girl. The girl that had not even once told Aya her name, nor stopped talking. "Hey Aya! Long trip right! But we're in paradise! Paradise! We get to live out on our own, no parents, no rules! Party and have fun! Wooo! But uhh.... it looks like we might have to part ways for a bit! Hey! Give me your phone number and email and Spacebook and Sklype and Instagam and-" Suddenly, Aya covered the girls mouth her hand and leaned in very closely. "Nein" Was all she said before letting go and briskly walking away. "But-!" "NEIN!" Aya made her way to the check in area to grab her luggage. Thankfully, the school she was to sign into did not have as long as a line as some of the others. Hell, she and only four others even went to the Special Naval Operations table for sign in. There they gave her some equipment, her room assignment, and schedule along with the rest of her luggage. The orientation was to start tomorrow, according to the digital calender for the Arkillia Naval Academy, so Aya had some time to kill. And thank goodness she did. Two hours later, she [i]still [/i]could not find her room. "Gott verdammt, dumm schlecht gemacht Karte!" she cursed to herself, frustrated beyond belief. All she wanted to do was to catch up on all those hours of sleep lost to listening to the latest trends in fashion from her infamous roommate. Thankfully, she spotted a student that seemed to be at least a second year, maybe later. His thick accent gave away his nationality, but at this point, she would take anyone. Aya approached the Irishman. "Uhh... Hallo mein freund! Do you know vhere I might be able to find my room? It is my first time here." she asked, trying to remain as professional as a exhausted , frayed nerved Aya could be.