[center][b][h3]Some time later...[/h3][/b][/center] Breakfast went without a hitch. The students met with their friends, teachers met with their coworkers, and Karnage was given his job for today. While more exciting than the usual "Keep the hallways clean" duties he's given, clearing out demons from one of the store houses wasn't a particularly exciting job. While most mortals shook in their boots at the sound of demons, these demons Karnage were well aware of: a band of somewhat intimidating but largely powerless whelps who's biggest threat was stealing things from the store houses. He had a run in with them before and killed some of their members in the past, but without the school's permission he couldn't leave to finish them off. They'd always escape before he could slay them to the last, mostly because of how many there were. And since they never were that much of a threat to the school itself Karnage was always made to deal with them himself. It was times like these he wished he could have summoned demons of his own again, but alas, he lacked such power in this world. But than again that doesn't mean he has to deal with this alone. The demons were fairly weak but numerous; if he could just get some help in chasing them down they wouldn't have to deal with them again. He would only need maybe two or three others to help him out. And he knew just the people. So during breaks Karnage went to find Reiko, Aurelie, and Lucaris. He told them all the same thing: [b]"I have been tasked to clear some of the store houses of demons. They are weak things, no danger to me and likely no danger to you, but there are many of them. While I can slay most of them there are simply too many for me to catch on my own. If you have the time and are willing, find me near the gymnasium this afternoon. We will hunt these vermin and put your skills to the test."[/b] It was about the right time. Karnage stood by the entrance to the gymnasium with his rifle beside him. He hoped the students would be willing to help him just so he doesn't have to keep dealing with the pest. Plus it might be fun for them, and gives Karnage a chance to show off his knowledge of demons and maybe some of his skills.