Kanako had just started to doze off when Touji burst into the room, gasping. [color=6ecff6]"Teach... I'm here.... Sorry... I'm late... for my first day,"[/color=6ecff6] he said. Kanako perked up immediately: so he [i]was[/i] in her class! She was about to start trying to wave him over when the teacher levelled her with a sharp glare. She wilted into her seat. Okay, okay, she got the message… she'd already disrupted the class enough. [i]And[/i], according to the text message that she'd just received, she didn't even have to be in this class any longer, because there was some sort of weapons demo going on! As it happened, it turned out that Kanako didn't have to wave Touji over after all, because as soon as he came in, he made a beeline for her and plopped himself down on the seat next to hers, trying to regain his breath. [color=6ecff6]"What's.... up? Kanako…"[/color] He said, and then took a deep breath. [color=6ecff6]"We were in the same classroom after all, blockhead."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"I know that [i]now[/i]!"[/color] she said under her breath, not even acknowledging the insult, and stood up, dragging Touji along with her. [color=f49ac2]"Get this-- we don't even have to be here anymore! As long as we leave quietly, we can go to that weapons demo thing!"[/color] With Touji in tow, Kanako awkwardly started shuffling out the back of the classroom. Not too many people seemed interested-- after all, they were all Espers, and barely anyone needed to learn how to use a weapon. Kanako, though… even if she told herself that she was just going because she wanted to skip class, in reality… her powers were pretty much unusable, weren't they? Maybe it would be a good idea to learn how to use a weapon. But which one? She'd have to ask someone's advice on the matter. Maybe Taro? He was a knight, and they had the evening shift together later on, so she'd definitely have opportunity to talk to him about it. Once they were in the hallway, she released Touji. [color=f49ac2]"So,"[/color] she said as they walked down the corridor to the science room,[color=f49ac2] "How was Chiyo-chan? Sakura Love is a pretty good game, huh? I mean, not the best, but pretty decent."[/color] Honestly, when Touji had asked to borrow her copy of the game, she'd been thrilled! He'd always made fun of her for liking dating sims, but… could it be? Was he finally understanding the true beauty of the dating sim, the emotional depth of the characters, the heart-wrenchingly beautiful romantic subplots?