[img]http://safebooru.org//images/1379/d30e5c45b7b81fb0999485f364b5acf68b6ef62e.png?1445270[/img] Name: Kotono Kajahara Age: 15 Occupation: Works as a waitress at a restaurant. Gift: [hider=Tomes] What are Tomes? They are a special book that Kotono uses to use her magic. There are many types of tomes. There are 3 types: Anima Dark Light Anima is Elemental magics. They cover Fire, Wind, and Thunder. Wind is the most likely to hit but also does tiny amounts of damage, Thunder is the least likely to hit, can run out faster, but does more damage. Fire is a balance. Dark magic isn't going to be touched upon. Kotono is a Light/Anima Mage. Light Magic is known for having the highest accuracy but lowest might of the three magic types. It is also known for the fact that almost all of its tomes have a critical rate, excluding Aureola and Purge. A slight difference is that Kotono can slightly increase her Might (stength), Accuracy, or Speed. [/hider] Spells: Lightning. A weak tome that possesses little Might, Lightning will conjure weak rays of light to smite a selected enemy target when cast. This can be dodged if the opponent understands that it only comes up in the spot that he/she is in. Can be used a multitude of times. It is her weakest spell. Shine - Shine will conjure wheels of hallowed light into battle, which promptly combust upon coming into contact with a selected enemy target. So, basically, this just sends a bunch of floating wheels at your opponent. Of course, this can be dodged. Can be used about 7 or so times before taking out all of her energy. Second strongest. Speed up - Increases Kotono's speed and decreases Accuracy. She can use it 2 times to stack the effect. Might up - She uses this to build up her Might, does not stack with Speed up. This decreases Speed. Only stacks with other Might ups, can stack twice. Thoron - This attack is a Thunder attack. It is a very powerful attack, and takes lots of her power. It can only be used 2 Times per battle, so it is just a last resort technique. School: Seventh Sanctum - School for Mages. Personality: Kotono is very polite, yet very shy. (srsly this rp needs a supercute mascot, someone needs to take the role :^)) She likes to be very friendly to people in general. Of course, in battle, she understands that she needs to be unpredictable, which is why she decided to learn some Anima Magic. She, 90% of the time, is honest and trusting. She is also very loyal to her friends (if they decide to get close to her) she is also pretty optimistic. TIME TO GO TO TOWN ON DIS SHIT. She isn't very curious, as she thinks if she's too curious about everything she could end up being nosy. She is usually observant of her opponent in battle, and what spell would work in which situation. She also likes to mix up her spells and bait them into running into a space she can cover. Hates red bows. Biography: Her family was all Mages. Dark, Anima, Light. Some were even all 3, which took years to get close to mastering. Her parents trained her in some Light magic, and also a bit of Anima beforehand. They thought she'd get a better education at Academy City, in Seventh Sanctum. So, they sent her off (with a bit of money) and she's been there for a year. Q&A Q: what is might, speed, and acc. A: in this, might shall be the amount of damage it deals. Spells that have high might have low speed. Speed is how quick the attack goes. High speed spells have low acc and low might. Acc is how accurate the spell will be. High Acc spells have medium might and low speed. I'll use it in stats out of 100. 50/100 is medium. 25/100 is low. Over 50/100 is high. Lightning has 60/100 speed, 30/100 acc, and 25/100 might. Shine has 75/100 acc, 40/100 speed, And 20/100 might. Thoron has 70/100 might, 20/100 speed, and 30/100 acc. Might and Speed up each increase her spells speed or might by 5. So, Lightning (speed up) has 65/100 speed. Lightning (might up) has 30/100 might. Shine (speed up) has 45/100 speed. Shine (might up) has 25/100 might. Thoron (speed up) has 25/100 speed. Thoron (might up) has 75/100 might. If speed up or might up is stacked twice it is 10 points to either speed or might. Speed up and might up both only last 4 spells. If stacked, 3 spells. This is just to note the terms and how strong, Fast, or accurate the spells are, does not have to be used in general, just to showcase some stats.