Allen, meanwhile, was debating the merits of going to the weapons demo thing being held by the Enforcers. Did he actually have much of an interest in going? Certainly not. But it looked like a lot of his classmates were on their way there, and well… Allen just went with the flow. That was what he always did, after all. Halfway to Tenroujima High School, however, he started having a bit of an existential crisis. He was forgettable, sure, but did that mean he should just blend in with the crowd all the time? Did his tendency to go with the flow mean that he was conforming to other's expectations of him? Could it be? Was he… losing his own identity by trying to be just like everyone else? He stopped, and took a left turn. He would have to distinguish himself from his classmates, then, and he would do that by going to Tenroujima High School a different way than everyone else. Unfortunately, poor Allen had no idea how to actually [i]get[/i] to Tenroujima High School, and without following the crowd, he didn't have a hope of finding his way there by himself. It didn't even occur to him to use Google maps. And that was how Allen found himself standing at the gate of Arkillia Naval Academy. For a moment, he stood there, uncertain as to whether he should enter or not. Then he reminded himself-- he wanted to [i]distinguish[/i] himself! To do the unexpected… right? Steeling himself, he bravely (and perhaps idiotically) walked into one of the most prestigious Knight academies, and just… stood there. In the middle of the grounds. With no clue as to what to do.