[color=39b54a][b]To aru Kagaku no Janpā!/ A Certain Scientific Jumper! / To aru konton shitta no Janpā ! / A Certain Chaotic Jumper![/b] [/color][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11065942_999280446758808_5129098284827341320_n.jpg?oh=5499311c80f3438a8609dda875e0d98a&oe=5580539E&__gda__=1437594280_71367d8885860bf218916e57f32f13b2[/img] This day and never again, I'm not in class but [color=39b54a][i]needless to say[/i][/color] I'm having epistaxis right now, Ria-sama is at it again~ kyaa~ A daily life of a fangirl doesn't get any better than this. Sigh.....can we get to the point already, I already know who looks good, who is an asshole, who is likeable, who is interesting, and who doesn't get my interest at all. Until this very moment, I recall being in Mr.Principle's office, he doesn't want me to ruin the ceremony, it's so bad that I have to be under tight pressure; [i][color=39b54a]Judgement are everywhere during the ceremony and I couldn't do anything about it. Furthermore,why not just pull the fire alarm?...Then the fire sprinklers leading to warping pond into the classroom and trigger the sprinklers. Needless to say, what about a pond to the classroom?[/color][/i] No, only Anzai knows how to deal with complicated things, he probably is peeping on Ria-sama by now. Then warping to the fire alarm and back into hiding? Genius. In that case, I have to wear gloves and not leave evidence and make sure to warp the handle off... no..no... that might point to me since all the blame is onto me with my foul records. Technically there should be a frame, a culprit foil, I just have to make it look like it is destroyed by someone else's power! Therefore it is X person's fault and Y person passes on the blame! Judgement and Anti-skill specialize on that sort of investigation, damn it. They'll see cameras being clean, hidden ones and a mask might do. Covert operations with Anzai is a miss on those days, if only he was here, my plans are accurate. What a pain, what a hassle. I can just take everyone's pants off as I recall bumping on everyone today but it doesn't change the fact that, they may not even be in class. It will take a lot of calculations to do so, I have to analyze the mass, quantum, velocity, vector.... It's so cool, I'm already a genius thinking this ahead! [color=39b54a][i]HAHAHAHAHA[/i][/color] Jumper on the way! I appeared out of nowhere in the table, glomping Ria-sama; [color=39b54a][b]"Yagami Kaori-Janpā desu yo!"[/b][/color] Oh I love the sound of that, the fire alarm. Let me explain this to you all. Before glomping Ria-sama, I made the decision to sound the alarm, destroy the evidence and frame it on selected few. The hammer should be hidden in someone's bag right now but that would take a lot of effort to pull. OH! Bonus points for breaking the fourth wall! AWESOME! [color=39b54a][i]Needless to say, I am great at this, Chaos is the Norm![/i][/color] [h3][i]The Jumper unleashes chaos![/i][/h3]