[quote=@LegendBegins] That is not true. Roleplays, just like nations, do not always succumb to dictatorship. On the contrary, I have no problem with giving GMs power, but power to create w world does not mean you deserve the power to destroy it. I wish to reserve this power to the mods because while any entry may be limited, forcing someone out of a Roleplay should be reserved for the problematic few. There is no need to forcibly remove a reasonable person, and the ability to do so would only cause more trouble. [/quote] Actually, the power to destroy a world [i]does[/i] belong to the GM. Its his/her world. But that does not mean he or she should be allowed to delete his/her threads or posts within. He or she can however, suddenly decide to have the world the RP is going on in blow up. The ability to deny users the right to post in his/her RP is about as far from destroying the RP world as you can get. As GMs (fortunately) won't get the power to delete posts (or the thread itself), the posts will remain intact. Nor can the GM ban users from the guild, so they will have easy chance to communicate with each other even if they get stopped from posting in the IC/CS tabs. Nor can the GM put restrictions on who users choose to PM. Thus, if players get kicked out of an RP and feel they are being treated unfairly, they might contact the mods for help, or they can just as easily talk with the other players and start somewhere else. so, to summarize what this would do... Prior to the aforementioned change, a GM can: [list][*]Edit his/her own posts. [*]Post IC and obliterate the RP's world at whim. (generally frowned upon without due reason) [*]Post IC and kill PCs. (generally frowned upon without due reason) [/list] After the aforementioned change, a GM can: [list][*]prevent people from posting in the IC / CS tabs. [*]Edit his/her own posts. [*]Post IC and obliterate the RP's world at whim. (generally frowned upon without due reason) [*]Post IC and kill PCs. (generally frowned upon without due reason) [/list] What a GM can't do, before or after the aforementioned change: [list][*]Delete RP thread [*]Delete individual posts (technically hide, but you get the idea...) [*]ban players from the guild [*]prevent players from talking to each other [*]prevent players from posting in the OoC [*]Edit players' posts [*]prevent players from starting a new RP based on a similar idea, provided the idea isn't plagiarism of the GM's work.[/list] The powers listed in the third list can all be found in the repertoire of the moderators. Those powers are the ones that could truly break the guild experience for people if in the hands of the wrong persons. That is also why the scrutiny is as strict as it is with the appointment of new moderators. Restricting access to add new posts to the IC/CS tabs on a thread doesn't even come close to those in potential abuse. Besides, if a GM should excessively abuse the right to kick people out of an RP simply to ruin things for other players, then that GM will soon find himself/herself without players. Word gets around. We personally would rather have the moderators involved in the one in three hundred and twenty-seven cases where a GM abuses such, than to force the moderators to have to deal with the three-hundred and twenty-six cases of being asked to remove someone from IC access when it isn't GM abuse. They've got enough to deal with as it is. No point in ensuring that they get extra work, simply because someone's might potentially abuse the very limited power they get.