[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Pinnochio%20-%20Gif_zpsry5fcwbw.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Elsaacute%20Driacutefta%20Bryndiacutes%20-%20Gif_zpsgn3snuiu.gif[/img] [h1][color=BurlyWood]Alan Woodard[/color] and [color=MediumTurquoise]Eliza Brie[/color][/h1] [h2]Present Day - Lake Tahoe, Earth - Part One[/h2][/center] The sound of the car door slamming shut echoed around the area of the driveway as she hurried down the path leaving her families house behind as she headed back down to the lodge so that she could begin to get not only herself ready but get Alan up and out of bed so that he could get ready as well, shifting all the shopping bags onto one arm as she came close to the door of the suit that the two of them were sharing for a few nights she reached out swiping her key-pass before slipping inside making sure to close it gently behind her in hopes of not startling him awake. Turning her head she let her eyes flick over to the bed her ice blue orbs lingering on him for a few moments as she crossed over the room putting everything that she had gotten that day onto the table leaving red marks on her arm from where the handles of each of the bags had been resting moments before, "Still asleep... Wish I had that luxury..." Reaching up to remove her scarf and cardigan she couldn't help her lips turning up in a small but gentle smile her eyes closing for a few seconds as she shook her head gently from side to side allowing her hair to brush lightly back and forth over her back, dropping her things onto a chair as she passed by she climbed up onto the bed careful of each of her movements as she laid herself down behind him her arm slipping around his middle as she leant in her cheeks taking on a bright red tinge as she pressed her lips softly against his neck over and over leaving small and soft kisses between words, "Alan... Time to wake up... You've slept the day away... I've bought you lunch if you're hungry..." Groaning a bit, sounding annoyed as Alan was brought out of his sleep, his arm furthest from her reached out, patting the bed in random areas until his hand came into contact with a pillow. Grabbing hold of the pillow case, Alan brought it up and over his head, holding it there and groaned out again, a skilled listener fluent in mumbling might have picked up something along the lines of 'leavemealoneimsleeping.' A gentle chuckle escaped through her soft pink lips as she pushed her torso up a little more hovering over him as she watched him search around before eventually finding what it was he was actually looking for causing her to roll her eyes as he pulled it over covering his head completely with it, pushing her palm down on the mattress she shifted the position of her body so that she was resting on her hip her body facing his being sure that she was completely comfortable before she reached out her fingers pressing lightly into his back before she added a bit more pressure slowly massaging his back as she tried to rouse him from his slumber again, "Alan, come on... Your food is getting cold..." Leaning forward she used the tip of her nose to brush his hair off the back of his neck before she once more pressed her lips against his skin letting them linger there for a few moments before she spoke again her warm breath flowing down over him, "Time to wake up. Oh and I got you a suit for tonight, I hope you like it." A sort of muffled sound came from Alan from underneath the pillow covering up the majority of his head, but eventually he stirred enough to let Eliza know that her efforts weren't all completely in vain. His head moved to the side, facing her and from under the small space between the pillow and the mattress, his eyes opened up slowly to look at her. He blinked a few times, looking a little bit confused at first as realization slowly dawned on him and became aware of his surroundings again, as well as the words she had been speaking to him. "You mentioned food?" He asked, his curiosity piqued but still keeping the pillow over his face, taking on the characteristics similar to a bear just coming out of hibernation unsure whether or not they wanted to come out of their cave to eat. Sliding her hands down his back until they were resting softly against his sides she turned her head resting it on his shoulder her eyes connecting with his for a few moments until she reached one of her hands up slowly removing the pillow so that he could once more get adjusted to the light in the room, "Yes, there's plenty of food for you, I don't know what you like, so I got you a mix of things from different take away places." "You. Are. Beautiful." Alan remarked, speaking more about the fact that she got him food rather than her actual appearance. Closing the gap between them she pressed her lips against his for a few moments before she pulled away her hands sliding over his skin as she stood up making her way over to the table her hands reaching into one of the bags as she began pulling out containers full of different foods, "So how did you sleep? You've been out since we got back this morning." Exhaling a short breath as Eliza pulled away, Alan pushed himself up with his arms and twisted his body until he was able to move his legs off of the bed. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he reached his hand behind his head to scratch his neck and then ran his fingers through his hair a few times, trying to tame whatever mess he knew it probably had gotten into with how hard he slept. At least, for the most part, his headache had gone away. "Yeah, well, kind of a long night you know..." He replied while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. After a few moments, the smell of food wafting into his nose was too much to resist and forced himself to his feet. Wearing nothing but his old pair of blue jeans, he met Eliza over by the table and started thumbing through some of the boxes until he found some popcorn chicken. "You weren't kiddin, you [i]really[/i] did get a bit of everything..." He remarked, sounding a bit surprised as he headed back to the bed, box of popcorn chicken in hand and sat back down on the edge of the bed, popping a few pieces into his mouth looking quite content. Smiling brightly she moved onto the next bag reaching inside and rummaging about until she pulled out a couple boxes of chips before she moved back over to him climbing back up onto the bed holding one out for him to take while she slipped the other one between her legs using her now free hand to pick one out nibbling on it, "Like I said, I wasn't exactly sure what types of food you liked to eat, so I just got whatever I thought looked and smelled really good." Taking the box of fries from her, Alan nodded a sort of 'thanks' in her general direction but his full attention was on the food being given to him. And he didn't even have to pay or steal it; an added bonus. Prying open the box, he stuffed his fingers inside and pulled out a handful and popped about half of the handful into his mouth, chewing quickly as he just realized he hadn't eaten much of anything yesterday save for half a beer and a few fries he stole off of the table in the restaurant. "I'm not exactly picky, you can feed me whatever, whenever, Princess." He replied before filling his mouth with the second half of his handful. His gaze moved over to her as he chewed and smirked. He chewed up the rest of his food quickly and swallowed before lightly jabbing at her ribs with his elbow. "Don't you hardcore athletes like, have to count your carbs and shit?" Lifting her free hand up she pushed her fingers through her long blonde locks a soft chuckle escaping through her lips as she felt his elbow pressing lightly against her ribs her head nodding at his words, "You're right about that, we are supposed to watch what it is we eat, especially when it comes to competition season starting back up. But that's not for another month or so, I have plenty of time to work off a few chips. Besides, I was a good girl, I had a chicken Caesar salad for lunch..." Sticking her tongue out for only a moment she turned her attention back down to the chips reaching in to grab another using her head to motion towards the many bags littering the table as she went back to eating, "Besides, I think I worked off any calories I may have gained by doing all that shopping, and my uncle can vouch for me; he complimented my choice in dress and helped me to pick out a suit to match." Alan nearly choked as he swallowed the last bit of his fries. A suit? She got him a suit? He vaguely remembered her talking at him about taking her to some kind of party, but he didn't think that it was anything formal; more like a beer pong party with a handful of really drunk, horny women friends. Making a fist with his hand, he patted his sternum a few times to dislodge the wad of fries that had gotten stuck for half a moment before Alan pushed himself from the bed, leaving Eliza there and went back to the table to look for something to drink. Thank the Fairies this beautiful creature had thought to stop by 7 Eleven and get a Big Gulp. Taking the soda, he placed the straw into his mouth and got a wonderful taste of Dr. Pepper to cleanse his pallet as well as give him time to think of something to say. He had nearly drank half of the 32 ounce drink before he forced his lips away, needing the space to let out a small burp. "What time is this party anyway?" He finalized on asking. Lifting her head up from the box of chips that was between her legs she let her gaze follow him her arm suspended halfway between her lap and her mouth a few chips perched between her fingers as she watched him search through the bags until he found himself a drink taking his sweet time to take in almost half the bottle before speaking again, lowering the chips back down into the box she leant forward placing it on the bedside table before she stood up brushing the salt from her hands as she moved over to stand beside him her body leaning back against the table and her eyes scanning over the bags before flicking back up to meet his gaze, "It starts at eight; I mean I have to be there a little earlier than that to make sure everything runs smoothly, but you don't have to come until then..." Reaching out and across with a slightly worried expression on her face after watching him almost choke in front of her she placed her hand gently on his back rubbing softly, "And don't worry, it's not like a stuffy suit or tux, or anything like that... It's actually really nice." Turning his head to the right, he let his eyes linger on her for a moment, shaking his head a bit but held a smile despite that it held no genuinity behind it. "So long as we match. That's all that matters right?" He smirked before returning his head to the plethora of food on the table in front of him, but he somehow found himself no longer hungry despite his lion of an appetite when it came to junk food. He hadn't ever worn a suit before; he had never needed to. Perhaps the most dressed up he had ever been was during December a few years ago when the snow in Manhattan had gotten a little bit out of control and he had forced himself into buying a zip-up Corduroy sweater in favor of paying a few extra bucks for his gas heating bill every month. "I'm not going to have to like... impress anyone am I?" He asked, a twinge of hesitation in his voice at the idea of having to meet the sister or even worse, the parents. There was only one reason he was still going along with this, and that was the near guarantee that he would have another shot in actually staying in the hotel room for a night with the beautiful blonde. So if he had to play boyfriend just a bit longer, so be it. "We match, I made sure there was at least one thing that matched my dress and that would be your shirt. Besides, the formal stuff is only for the main party; it's the ones that come after that make it worth it." Smiling she lowered her hand from his back bringing it behind her to rest upon the table like her other one was doing her body relaxing as she tilted her head thinking about how best to answer his next question, if at all. "Well, my little sister is going to be there; but she's got her own friends coming, I doubt we'll run into her. Most you'll need to do is say hi to my uncle and thank him for helping me pick out your suit; and before you ask, my dad isn't coming." Pushing away from the table she turned to face him her eyes turning to watch her hand as she lifted it up slowly sliding it up to rest on his shoulder for a few moment before flicking her gaze back to his, " After we've done what we have to, we can leave them all be and maybe sneak off early. Sound fair enough..?" His little smirk of a smile widened a bit. An uncle and a possible little sister. He could deal with that... especially since she was laying out the reward to him like that. Drifting his gaze from her eyes to the hand she had on his bare shoulder, he used his own hand (after setting down the Big Gulp) and removed it gently from his shoulder, holding it in his hand and pressed his lips to the top of it in a kiss. "You might think it's the after parties that are worth it, but sneaking off early with me is something I can guarantee you won't ever regret." He gently let her hand go and gave her a small wink. "Now, I know how you girls are... for some reason it takes you guys years to get ready, so you do that while I take a nap." He said, changing his tone from dashing with a bit of snark to matter-of-factly, ignoring the fact that she had just woken him up from a nap. Her expression softened as she watched him take her hand in his the action causing her to bite her lower lip softly nibbling on it as he lifted it up pressing his lips lightly against her knuckles like a gentleman would after meeting a woman, "I know I won't regret it... I think I'm ready, and I trust you. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me." Lowering her hand she closed the gap between them her other arm reaching up so that she could cup her palm around the back of his neck a soft chuckle slipping through her lips at his words. "Oh you're funny; I don't take that long to get ready. Only thing that will take me a while will be the shower I'm about to have..." Pulling away from him she crossed her arms over her body pulling her top up and over her head dropping it to the floor beside them before she continued to remove each piece of her clothing until she was left in standing in her underwear and bra, moving past him she lifted her hand up her head turning slightly as she pulled her hair out letting it fall down her back in waves her body slipping through the open door to the bathroom the girl leaving it open behind her as she headed over to the shower. Alan tried to hold his surprise that continued to grow with each word she was giving him. The first thing that had caught him off-guard was her blatant openness about being ready and how he wouldn't hurt her. Well, she was kind of right, maybe. He had never physically hurt a woman unless she was into that kind of thing... not physically anyway, but the trail of broken hearts he left behind him... well that was something else entirely. The second thing that had him put him [i]completely[/i] off-guard was her stripping down in front of him and then heading into the shower, which, he noticed she hadn't shut the door. Now, Alan may have been perhaps the most simple man when it came to the knowledge of a woman's actions outside of the bedroom, but that right there looked like a sign that was only backed up by her previous statement. Standing there with what he knew was probably a dumbfounded expression on his face, he closed his mouth back shut and tentatively headed to the threshold of the bathroom and knocked on the wall on the inside, keeping his body on the outside. "Just to save any severe beatings that might occur should I step inside..." He started and cleared his throat a bit. "Did you mean... now? Like, [i]now[/i], now?" Leaning into the shower she flicked the tap pulling her arm back and standing up straight once the water began to flow quickly warming up to the temperature she had set it to causing steam to slowly but surely begin to fill the room from the floor upwards, turning her head back to look at him as he knocked she couldn't help but chuckle her arms twisting slightly as she reached back unclasping and removing her bra before she dropped it to the ground turning to face the door where she could see him lingering around waiting for her to answer his questions about what she had meant, "I didn't mean now... But it was an invitation for you to join me, if that's what you're wondering." Hunching over slightly she slid her underwear down to her ankles stepping out of it before she slipped inside the shower her eyes closing and her body tensing slightly as she felt the water begin to cascade down over her skin warming it up, lifting her arms up she ran her hands back over her hair her head turning slightly as she gathered it all up pulling it over her shoulder her eyes opening to watch him wondering what he was going to do. Shaking his head a bit with a smirk across his lips, Alan pulled back from his leaning into the bathroom and rested his back against the door jam, crossing his arms over his chest and waved her off a bit. "Believe me, Princess, if you let me in there with you, you wouldn't exactly get a choice of ]i]when[/i]." He joked, though his words held some truth behind them. He was a rat-bastard; he would take any opportunity he could get. However, the fact that he wasn't marching right in there and having his way with her through his perfected seduction techniques has his smirk faltering. What [i]was[/i] he waiting for? Shaking his head, he unfolded his arms from his bare chest and pushed himself from the door jam and ran his fingers through his hair, brushing it out of his eyes minding his still black eye. "Enjoy your shower, I'm going to go get my nap." He stated suddenly and turned to leave. "Just wake me up ten minutes before we gotta leave. I'll get dressed then." Her lips parted slightly as she listened to what he was saying her body turning quickly once he turned to leave the room her hand coming up to rest lightly on the shower door while a small caring smile crossed over her lips, "Alan..! Thank you... For understanding and not pushing me into something that I don't want to do... It really means a lot to me, especially considering I never thought I would ever find a guy like you." Lowering her gaze for only a moment before she lifted it back up to meet with his she let her smile widen slightly her other hand coming up to tuck some of her long blonde locks back behind her ear, "Go take your nap, I'll wake you up when I'm doing my hair and make up." Stopping at hearing her call his name, he kept his back to the doorway having only taken a few steps back into the main room, his eyes closed softly for a moment hearing her words. Something felt like it was pulling down on his chest a bit, causing Alan to reach his hand up and place it where the odd sensation was pooling though finding no relief as it was something [i]inside[/i]. Sighing quietly to himself, he turned back to look at her, giving her a gentle nod before continuing over to the bed to take his nap. "There's guys like me all over, Princess." He muttered to himself as he pulled the pillow back over his head to drown out the light coming in through the windows. "[i]Too[/i] many guys like me..."