[b]Engine Room[/b] Suichi listened as the two of them responded and then went on to have their own conversation. He found himself to be very puzzled about Connor who spoke of the New World as if it were still a commonly used phrase. Either the man was very committed to his cosplay or he actually believed he was from the colonial days. He had heard about the book as his wife read it quite a bit. She certainly liked American literature, so Suichi took the time and effort to make sure she had new copies of books every so often. He decided it wasn't prudent to speak and simply listened as he waited for a response from the speaker. Then he noticed a fourth person had woken up with them leaving the fifth one still unconscious. This newly awakened person reacted quite seriously out of fear. He understood. All of them were strangers and it was hard to know who could be trusted. He had a lot of faith in humanity though having seen a lot of good things happen through hard times. Suichi walked up to the newly awakened woman and knelt just within reach of her with a warm smile on his face. "I'm Suichiro Hamani, you may call me Suichi if you'd like. You're safe with us. We only just woke up as well. What's your name?" He remained calm and friendly. If they were going to get out of here they'd need to work together.